Postoperative fatigue after surgery- includes preparation and testing of mapping tools, testing on inhalation versus IV anesthesia, defining clinical cut-off values.
Plexus brachialis optimization by over extremity surgery and injuries Map the meaning of timing and adjuvant medication. Mapping of microcirculation.
New model for Propofol pharmacokinetics in highly obese Clinical Material with Large Plasma Samples and Pharmacokinetic Modeling for the Development of a New Dosage Model in Highly Obese.
New algorithm for monitoring newly operated - electronic form and wireless monitoring. Develop new tool for rapid mapping of patient quality and safety for newly operated on bed post. This includes developing wireless monitoring of vital functions.
Expiratory measurement of Propofol in exhaled air, and correlation to EEG, pharmacology and clinic. Explore brand new technology for continuous monitoring of Propofol levels in plasma via expiratory Propofol measurement. Check out simultaneously modeled plasma concentration, EEG characteristics (new algorithms) and clinical effect in an experimental setting in patients in general anesthesia.
Quality assurance of day surgery patients after discharge. Establish registry for follow-up of day surgery patients after discharge and use large amounts of data to identify problem areas related to pain, nausea and fatigue.At next stage - try out targeted interventions against identified risk patients.
Postoperative pain relief with tapentadol - testing of analgesic, tapentadol versus oxycodone. including developing algorithms to identify pre-operatively which patients are at increased risk of post-operative pain.
Hypothermia prophylaxis perioperatively Test out pre-warming, heat blanket, theme dressing in gynecological surgery patients. In addition, mapping the occurrence of perioperative hypothermia in cases of caesarean section, with a view to future interventions.
Pain after Caesarean section Identify the occurrence of pain after cesarean section.
Prolonged pain after severe trauma Identify the incidence and risk factors for pain and chronic pain after major trauma. Possibly design interventions and test these for high-risk patients.
Erector spinae blockade perioperatively Test out the erector spinae blockade for different types of surgery
Day surgery and pain management in Lebanon and Gaza Follow-up and mapping of success related to start-up projects for day surgery and pain management in Lebanon and Gaza.
Visiting address/postal address: Dept. of Anaesthesiology, Ullevaal Hospital, building 7,, Kirkeveien 166, 0450 Oslo Post: Dept of Anaesthesiology-Ullevaal, Oslo University Hospital, 4950 Nydalen, N-0424 Oslo