
In 2013 the former Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Research group established Oslo Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Research (OSCAR) Network with cardiologists/researchers from the Cardiac ICU at Oslo University Hospital (OUH) Ullevål and researchers from the Intervention Centre at OUH Rikshospitalet. This collaboration has led to several clinical studies (both completed and ongoing) around cardiac arrest management as well as completed and ongoing PhDs. In addition, with the Biobank from NORCAST, the collaboration has led to completed and ongoing studies on different reperfusion biomarkers exploring outcome and prognostication after OHCA. Finally, our present experimental cardiac arrest pig model has been further developed and improved. 

Through participation in more international multicenter trials, we also have a broad international network, both through the TAME-network and the ORANGE network (the latter also including the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)). This might result in more collaborative future research projects.

We also collaborate with researchers from Norwegian Air Ambulance and from St Olavs Hospital Trondheim on a national multicenter RCT REBOARREST during OHCA, which is about to include patients in 2022.

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