Ida Marie Bredesen

  • Research scientist; RN, PhD

Publications 2022

Johansen E, Bredesen IM, Jónasdóttir RJ, Lind R (2022)
ABCD before E-verything else-Intensive care nurses' knowledge and experience of pressure injury and moisture-associated skin damage
Int Wound J, 20 (2), 285-295
DOI 10.1111/iwj.13872, PubMed 35746849

Publications 2021

Johansen E, Leren L, Bredesen IM (2021)
Objective structured clinical examination: a game changer for advanced wound care practice?
J Wound Care, 30 (5), 338-347
DOI 10.12968/jowc.2021.30.5.338, PubMed 33979224

Publications 2020

Bredesen IM (2020)
Interface Pressures of New and Worn Standard and Viscoelastic Hospital Mattresses: A Comparative Study
Wound Manag Prev, 66 (8), 26-31
PubMed 32732440

Bredesen IM (2020)
Interface Pressures of New and Worn Standard and Viscoelastic Hospital Mattresses: A Comparative Study
Wound Manag. Prev., 66 (8), 26-31
DOI 10.25270/wmp.2020.8.2631

Publications 2016

Bredesen IM, Bjøro K, Gunningberg L, Hofoss D (2016)
Effect of e-learning program on risk assessment and pressure ulcer classification - A randomized study
Nurse Educ Today, 40, 191-7
DOI 10.1016/j.nedt.2016.03.008, PubMed 27125172

Publications 2015

Bredesen IM, Bjøro K, Gunningberg L, Hofoss D (2015)
Patient and organisational variables associated with pressure ulcer prevalence in hospital settings: a multilevel analysis
BMJ Open, 5 (8), e007584
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007584, PubMed 26316647

Publications 2014

Bredesen IM, Bjøro K, Gunningberg L, Hofoss D (2014)
The prevalence, prevention and multilevel variance of pressure ulcers in Norwegian hospitals: a cross-sectional study
Int J Nurs Stud, 52 (1), 149-56
DOI 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2014.07.005, PubMed 25443301