Madeleine Lehander

  • Post doc; PhD
  • +47 22 78 13 07

Office: K02 008


Publications 2024

Carrelha J, Mazzi S, Winroth A, Hagemann-Jensen M, Ziegenhain C, Högstrand K, Seki M, Brennan MS, Lehander M, Wu B, Meng Y, Markljung E, Norfo R, Ishida H, Belander Strålin K, Grasso F, Simoglou Karali C, Aliouat A, Hillen A, Chari E, Siletti K, Thongjuea S, Mead AJ, Linnarsson S, Nerlov C et al. (2024)
Alternative platelet differentiation pathways initiated by nonhierarchically related hematopoietic stem cells
Nat Immunol, 25 (6), 1007-1019
DOI 10.1038/s41590-024-01845-6, PubMed 38816617

Dimitriou M, Mortera-Blanco T, Tobiasson M, Mazzi S, Lehander M, Högstrand K, Karimi M, Walldin G, Jansson M, Vonlanthen S, Ljungman P, Langemeijer S, Yoshizato T, Hellström-Lindberg E, Woll PS, Jacobsen SEW (2024)
Identification and surveillance of rare relapse-initiating stem cells during complete remission after transplantation
Blood, 143 (11), 953-966
DOI 10.1182/blood.2023022851, PubMed 38096358

Publications 2023

Belander Strålin K, Carrelha J, Winroth A, Ziegenhain C, Hagemann-Jensen M, Kettyle LM, Hillen A, Högstrand K, Markljung E, Grasso F, Seki M, Mazzi S, Meng Y, Wu B, Chari E, Lehander M, Sandberg R, Woll PS, Jacobsen SEW (2023)
Platelet and myeloid lineage biases of transplanted single perinatal mouse hematopoietic stem cells
Cell Res, 33 (11), 883-886
DOI 10.1038/s41422-023-00866-4, PubMed 37674010

Giannakopoulou E, Lehander M, Virding Culleton S, Yang W, Li Y, Karpanen T, Yoshizato T, Rustad EH, Nielsen MM, Bollineni RC, Tran TT, Delic-Sarac M, Gjerdingen TJ, Douvlataniotis K, Laos M, Ali M, Hillen A, Mazzi S, Chin DWL, Mehta A, Holm JS, Bentzen AK, Bill M, Griffioen M, Gedde-Dahl T et al. (2023)
A T cell receptor targeting a recurrent driver mutation in FLT3 mediates elimination of primary human acute myeloid leukemia in vivo
Nat Cancer, 4 (10), 1474-1490
DOI 10.1038/s43018-023-00642-8, PubMed 37783807

Publications 2021

Ali M, Giannakopoulou E, Li Y, Lehander M, Virding Culleton S, Yang W, Knetter C, Odabasi MC, Bollineni RC, Yang X, Foldvari Z, Böschen ML, Taraldsrud E, Strønen E, Toebes M, Hillen A, Mazzi S, de Ru AH, Janssen GMC, Kolstad A, Tjønnfjord GE, Lie BA, Griffioen M, Lehmann S, Osnes LT et al. (2021)
T cells targeted to TdT kill leukemic lymphoblasts while sparing normal lymphocytes
Nat Biotechnol, 40 (4), 488-498
DOI 10.1038/s41587-021-01089-x, PubMed 34873326