Electron Microscopy


JEOL 1230 (120 kV TEM)

Resolution, nm: 0.34
Filament: Tungsten
Voltage, kV: 40-120
Magnification: 80x-500 000x
Camera: Morada


Philips CM10 (100 kV TEM)

Resolution, nm: 0.34
Filament: Tungsten
Voltage, kV: 40-100
Magnification: 600x-500 000x
Camera: MegaView III



  • Leica Ultracut UCT with Leica EM FCS (cryochamber for low temperature sectioning)
  • Leica Ultracut UCT (regular)
  • GFP-equipment
  • GFP-light source for microtome UCT
  • Leica EM IGL automated Immunogold Labeling System

 Our research is supported by Helse Sør-Øst 




Contact information:
Andreas Brech, Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute for Cancer Research
The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Montebello, 0379 Oslo, Norway
Phone +47 22 93 42 83 Fax: +47 22 50 86 92, Switchboard: +47 22 93 40 00
Email: abrech@bio.uio.no


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