Research projects:

Ongoing projects

  • Pediatric Postoperative Pain Management in Surgical Wards – an Intervention Study ( Identifier: NCT03987399)
  • iSUPPORT: International collaborative rights-based standards to SUpport Paediatric Patients during clinical prOcedures by Reducing harm and establishing Trust. Translate and validate to Norwegian contest. ISUPPORT 

Ongoing PhD-projects

  • Marthe Østberg; How can the use of restraints on children during unpleasant and painful procedures be prevented? Supervisors: E Svendsen, N Kynø & PF Hougaard
  • Eirik Gulseth; Health Related Quality of Life, Psychosocial, Sexual and Functional Outcome in Adolescents operated for Hypospadias in Childhood. Supervisors: A Wæhre, MH Andersen & R Emblem

Other Projects

  • A quality register of pain assessment and treatment of children admitted to the Emergency Department
  • Several research-projects and quality improvement from Masters’ degree projects within nursing and health care