
Externally Funded Projects

EU – Horizon: ISODORe consortium (2022)

Helse Sør-Øst: Miljøstøtte (2021)

EU – Innovative Medicines Initiative: VAXPRED consortium (2021)

Helse Sør-Øst: Karrierestipend (2020)

EU – Horizon2020: INCENTIVE consortium (2020)

The Research Council of Norway: Commercialization project (2019)

The Research Council of Norway: Young Research Talent grant (2018)

SPARK Norway (2018 and 2021)

Helse Sør-Øst: Young Investigator grant (2016)

Helse Sør-Øst: Innovation grants (2018 and 2020)

University of Oslo: Innovation grant (2019)

EU-program TRANSVAC: Infrastructure grants (2018 and 2019)