Einar August Høgestøl
- Group leader; Associate Professor; MD, PhD
- +47 411 08 981
Einar August Høgestøl has a medical degree from University of Oslo in 2012. He then spent 1,5 year at the neurosurgical department at Oslo University Hospital. He defended his PhD project titled “MRI- and other biomarkers in early multiple sclerosis” in October 27th 2020. He also works as a Doctor in training at the Department of Neurology at Oslo University Hospital and regularly sees MS patients. He continues his research in the following areas of interest:
- Advanced MRI imaging markers in MS
- Biomarkers and MS
- Personalized treatment for MS patients
He is also an Associate Professor at the Psychological Department, University of Oslo, in collaboration with NORMENT, where he has many ongoing projects in collaboration with the Multimodal Imaging group lead by Professor Lars T. Westlye. Link to home page at UiO.
As for international collaboration he is involved in projects within the MAGNIMS consortium, in addition to specific collaborations with Karolinska Hospital in Sweden and Leiden Universiteit in Amsterdam.
He is main supervisor for MD. and PhD student Gisle Berg Helland, on a project investigating advanced imaging in working adults suffering a cerebral ischemic stroke (BRAKE-project). His PhD is titled: “Brain age after stroke in working-age adults”
He is co-supervisor for MD. and PhD student Lars Skattebøl, who is working with the ongoing NOR-MS clinical trail. His PhD is titled: “Advanced MRI analyses in the prospective randomized open-label blinded endpoint multicenter non-inferiority Norwegian study of Oral Cladribine and Rituximab in Multiple Sclerosis (NOR-MS)”.