Yvonne Andersson

  • Scientist; PhD


  • Different aspects examining the immunotoxin MOC31PE immunostimulatory effects, in vivo and ex vivo. New data and submitted data.
  • Establishing humanized colorectal cancer models in mice for studying the MOC31PE immunostimulatory effects in vivo.
  • Commersialization strategies for the immunotoxin MOC31PE in collaboration with Inven2
  • Preparing govermental documentations needed for clinical approval of the immunotoxin BM7PE for metastatic colorectal cancer patients. - Submitted and waiting for reply.
  • New anti-angiogenic treatment strategies for pseudomyxoma peritonei in vivo (manuscript)
  • Hyperthermia or not is the Q, in chemotherapeutic strategies for peritoneal metastasis from ovarian and colorectal cancer.
  • Manuscript on the preclinical data showing the effects of the melanoma spesific immunotoxin 9.2.27PE on chemoresistant melanoma cells.