Funding and collaboration

External funding

  • The ResCan Study Preventing antibiotic resistant infections among cancer patients – Source HSØ
  • Navigating the threat of azole resistance development in human, plant ,and animal pathogens in Norway (In collaboration with the veterinary institute) (Source NFR)
  • Turning the Tide of Antimicrobial Resistance (OUS)


Ongoing close and extensive collaboration internally at the Department of Microbiology and the Department of Infection Control, Olafiaklinikken, clinic for sexually transmitted infections (STI clinic), as well as with external institutions such as the Veterinary Institute, the National Competence Service for the Detection of Antibiotic Resistance (K-res) and others (a.o. Østfold Hospital and Stavanger University Hospital).

Navazole collaborating partners:

  • Norwegian Veterinary Institute
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences
  • Norwegian Food Safety Authority
  • Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

The Rescan Study collaborating partners: 

  • Norwegian Institute of Public Health
  • Cancer Society of Norway
  • University of Oxford