Seminars and meetings

Oslo 22-23 May 2025 Invitation to 3rd Nordic Status Epilepticus Meeting

Dear Colleagues

It is a great pleasure to welcome you all to the third Nordic status epilepticus meeting (3rd NSEM) to be held in Oslo, May 22-23, 2025. Status epilepticus is the most serious and most feared seizure type with still a high mortality and morbidity rate. Early and correct treatment is of utmost importance for outcome and long-term prognosis. This time, we will therefore focus on the prehospital and early phase. The overarching theme is therefore: “Time To Control – from basics to the clinic in status epilepticus” and the goal is to improve and standardize early status epilepticus treatment. We will also discuss factors involved in the development and maintenance of status epilepticus including autoimmunity, biomarkers and molecular mechanisms, and also touch upon the difficult problem with functional/dissociative seizures and status epilepticus. 

Bygdøystuene, Oslo, 19 October 2023 9th Epilepsy Research Group (ERGO) seminar

The ninth annual research group seminar for ERGO took place at Bygdøystuene on October 19th. Twenty-seven participants attended the meeting, including representatives from the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation and Division of Prehospital Services at Oslo University Hospital, Oslo Metropolitan University, and from Odense University Hospital in Denmark.

2nd Nordic Status Epilepticus Meeting, Bergen 1-2 May 2023

"From bad to worse" - Therapeutic and ethical challenges in super-refractory status epilepticus.

Status epilepticus (SE) refers to epileptic seizures of unusually long duration and is a serious neurological emergency that requires immediate treatment to avoid significant morbidity and mortality. SE, and especially treatment-refractory forms, are challenging and affect many disciplines, and often raise difficult ethical questions.

The second Nordic meeting on status epilepticus took place on 1-2 June at Hotel Norge in Bergen. The meeting was organized by a specialist network for SE consisting of neurologists from Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim in addition to representatives from the other Nordic countries and initiated by the epilepsy group in department of neurology, OUS-Rikshospitalet (ERGO). The meeting was chaired by Professor Erik Taubøll at OUS-Rikshospitalet and the meeting was supported by the company Desitin Pharma.

1st Nordic Status Epilepticus Meeting, 27-28 May 2021

ERGO has together with colleagues in Bergen and Trondheim arranged the first Nordic Status Epilepticus meeting in 2021. Status epilepticus, a condition of continuous epileptic activity, is a common medical emergency associated with high morbidity and mortality. In a recent publication from Oslo University Hospital, mortality was still around 10%. Earlier studies have shown mortality rates from 3–50% depending on etiology. About 9–31% of patients with status epilepticus fail to respond to standard treatment.

Forskningsdagene 2020: ERGO research presented at an open public meeting at Litteraturhuset

ERGO - Epilepsy Research Group of Oslo - presented their research at an open public meeting in September during the "Forskningsdagene 2020". Title of the meeting was: "Epilepsy - from basic research to modern clinical treatment".
Senior consultant, MD, PhD Kjell Heuser, discussed the role of glial cells in epilepsy. Thereafter, the PhD candidates Toni Berger, Cecilie Bugge Bakketun and Monika Mochol talked about epigentics in epilepsy (TB), how to use brain slices in the study of epilepsy (CBB) and the use of zebrafish in epilepsy research (MM) to understand basic mechanisms of epileptogenesis. 

Epilepsy Research Group (ERGO) seminar, Kleivstua 17-18 October 2019

The annual research group seminar for ERGO (Epilepsy Research Group of Oslo) was held at Kleivstua from 17th to 18thof October 2019 with a total of 23 participants. Professor Bernt Engelsen from Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, served as external evaluator. He opened the seminar with a lecture presenting the different epilepsy research projects ongoing in Bergen. Possible collaboration between Oslo and Bergen was discussed.

ERGO at EAN 2019

Erik Taubøll during the opening ceremony
Erik Taubøll during the opening ceremony

The 5th European Academy of Neurology (EAN) Congress was arranged in Oslo from June 29 - July 2, 2019. Total number of participants was 6919, the highest ever in the history of EAN and the former EFNS. It was also the largest medical congress so far arranged in Norway.

ERGO, the Epilepsy Research Group of Oslo, was heavily involved in the congress, both with regard to organisationof the meeting and scientifically. Head of ERGO, Erik Taubøll, was Head of the Local Organising Committee and co-chair of the international programme committee.

Oslo meets Paris: Researchers of an EU based Epilepsy Consortium discuss the latest research progress - EU Glia PhD

Kjetil Heuser (left) and Toni Berger
Kjetil Heuser (left) and Toni Berger

One branch of the Marie-Curie program, called “EU – Glia PhD” is a Europe wide consortium represented by internationally respected neuroscientists, industry and partner organizations.  Within this several million Euros grand program financing PhD students, Oslo is represented via Kjell Heuser and Toni Berger, who have met together with the "EU Glia-PhD" consortium at the College de France to discuss recent progresses of their research.