More than 3000 patients included in interventional, observational or biobanking studies since start of the research initiative in 2006
GLUMIK- Impaired glucose tolerance in patients with STEMI. Oral glucosetolerance test N=220.
BAMI- Prognostic markers for future adverse cardiovascular event in patients with acute MI. N=2000. POSTEMI-. Randomized interventional study on the effect of ischemic postconditioning in STEMI, N=272.
LEAF- Randomized, placebo controlled study on the effect of levosimendan in patients with acute heart failure complicating STEMI. N=61.
NORCAST- Observational study on post-ROSC patients with out-of- hospital cardiac arrest N=250.
ASSAIL-MI- Randomized, placebo controlled study on the IL-6 receptor inhibitor tociluzumab in patients with STEMI. N=200.
TAME- Randomized, interventional study on the effect of hypercapnia on survival in patients with cardiac arrest. Multicenter trial, N=136 patients included at OUS-Ullevål
TAME-substudy- Hemodynamic effects of permissive hypercapnia in patients with cardiac arrest. N=85
GUT-ACS- Study on microbiota signature and gut-leakage markers in patients with acute coronary syndrome, N=100