Karoline Strømmen Martinsen

  • Research engineer; Msc
  • +47 22 78 23 18



2021 - 2023            Master’s degree in biomedicine with specialization in biomedical research and development from Oslo metropolitan university.

2020 – 2021           One-year study in Business Administration, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Gjøvik.

2017 – 2020           Bachelor’s degree as a biomedical laboratory scientist, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Ålesund.


Research interests/projects

Cancer immunotherapy

Work experience

2024-present        Research Engineer, Dept. of Cellular Therapy, OUS-Radiumhospitalet, Oslo, Oslo, Norway    

2021-2023            Biomedical laboratory engineer at the laboratory of medical biochemistry at Oslo, Norway                   Lovisenberg Hospital.

2018-2021            Biomedical laboratory engineer at the laboratory of medical biochemistry, Gjøvik, Norway                   Sykehuset Innlandet Gjøvik.                                   

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