Sandy Joaquina
- PhD Student; Msc
- +47 22 78 23 18
Barnekreftforeningen (PERCAP)
Education :
2020 – Present: PhD Student in Department of Cellular Therapy, Oslo University Hospital, Norway. Immunotherapy – Tumor microenvironment study. Participation in the project NAN-4-TUM: Development of CXCR4 targeting-nanosystem-imaging probes for molecular imaging of cancer cells and tumor microenvironment project.
2018 – 2020: Master’s degree in biology health - Oncology, Timone University of Medicine, Marseille, France. Specialties: Biotherapies, clinical pharmacology, tumor microenvironment, genomics, immunology
2015 – 2018: Bachelor’s degree of Sciences, François Rabelais University, Tours, France. Specialties: Biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, bacteriology, immunology, pharmacology, neurology, animal and plant physiology
Professional experience:
September 2020 – Present: PhD student in Department of Cellular Therapy, Oslo University Hospital, Norway. Participation in the project NAN-4-TUM: Development of CXCR4 targeting -nanosystem-imaging probes for molecular imaging of cancer cells and tumor microenvironment. Tumor microenvironment targeting and the effect on tumors in term of toxicity and tumor infiltration characterization of a new CXCR4 antagonist peptide.
January – July 2020: Internship in the Cancer and Immune Response team, Cochin Institute, Paris, France. Study the role of the adhesion molecule ICAM-1 in the optimization of the efficiency of CAR T in solid tumors.
March – May 2019: Internship in Staphylococcus Pathogenesis team, International Center for Infectious Disease Research (CIRI), Lyon, France. Study of the necessary genes of Staphylococcus aureus for coexistence with Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Research interest / project:
Test a new CXCR4 antagonist peptide in vitro and in vivo for the validation of NAN-4-TUM and study the synergy between CAR therapy and CXCR4 blocking in solid tumors.
Study of Immunotherapy – Tumor environment axis.