Comparative genomics

Using model organisms in reserach is a great way to perform detailed exploration of complex systems. However, understanding the difference between your model system of choice and other species is highly valuable. Furthermore, model systems also tend to be significantly inbred. With the plethora of non-model genomes gradulally becoming available, we can also explore the difference in genetic backgroun between lab strains and wild individuals.

Comparative genomics can help a researcher explore:

  • Overall evolution of a target gene
  • Genetic or genomic differences between species of interest
  • The ancestral state of a gene/genes
  • The evolutionary distance between species / genes - phylogenies
  • Pinpoint gene losses or aquired genes
  • Explore similarities and differences in the surrounding genome for a gene of interest

BCF offer analyses on both comparative and evolutionary biology using different well established methods. Contact us if you have a research question that might benefit from comparative analyses. 

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