Pricing and delivery times

The Bioinformatics Core Facility's services are contracted on an hourly basis. All academic users are charged equally (950 NOK/hr). VAT is excempt for all Helse Sør-Øst institutions (invoice payment must be from a Helse Sør-Øst institution account). 

For each project an initial consultation is done to discuss the users' needs before a research agreement is drafted. The agreement describes overall analysis strategy and deliverables, as well as estimated costs. Please note that any sensitive data requires a TSD project which needs to be organized by the user before BCF can fulfill the agreement. BCF has some capacity for analysis of small sensitive datasets in-house.  

The invoiced hours is quivalent to hands-on time and not time used for computation. Delivery time is usually around 4-6 weeks for small to medium projects. Depending on analyses requested, size of the data, and need for data analysis within TSD, the delivery time might be longer. Please request a formal quote for accurate pricing and time of delivery. Examples of projects with corresponding price estimates can be found here

Do you have questions? Drop by zoom for a informal free consultation on Wednesdays between 14.30 and 15.30 on Zoom. Here both Bioinformatics and Genomics Core Facility memebers are present. 

BCF and GCF Drop-in Flyer

For any further queries, do not hesitate to contact us at

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