Ali Etemadi

pastedGraphic_1.png PostDoc, PhD





Ali Etemadi is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Technology and Innovation Clinic (The Intervention Centre), Oslo University Hospital (OUS) and the Department of Electronic Systems, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He has been awarded the Postdoctoral Fellowship from the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM). Prior to this, he was a research fellow at the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, working on externally controllable biological networks. Also, he was a visiting research scholar with Institute for Digital Communications (IDC), FAU, Germany, in 2018. He has been involved in interdisciplinary research from his PhD period. His research directions mainly rely on Molecular Communications, Biological Modeling, and Complex Therapeutic Interventions. Also, he has picked up a good deal of expertise in wireless/optical network planning focusing on designing digital services as a requirement for next-generation digital health and bio-analytics. He has been involved in many post-graduates teaching and holding several workshops and events in wireless communications ecosystem. He is currently serving as reviewer for high-impact IEEE journals. 

Research Profile

Ali Etemadi’s current research relies on modeling molecular communication mechanisms in cancer. He is trying to explore more on the information and communication theoretical perspectives of micro-scale biological networks in line with experimental research. 


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