Newly Completed projects:

Violence assessment in the acute psychiatric ward. (REK number 2011/2555/REK Sør-Øst B)Started in 2012 and was completed with 2 PhDs in 2019 (Bjørn Magne Eriksen) and 2020 (Øyvind Lockertsen). Aim of project: The primary aim in this project was to explore a ) a biopsychosocial approach to violence risk assessment during hospital stay and b) investigate an extended model for short-term violence risk assessments. 

Eriksen, B. M. S., Bjorkly, S., Faerden, A., Friestad, C., Hartvig, P., & Roaldset, J. O. (2016). Gender Differences in the Predictive Validity of a Violence Risk Screening Tool: A Prospective Study in an Acute Psychiatric Ward. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 15(2), 186-197. 

Eriksen, B. M. S., Bjørkly, S., Lockertsen, Ø., Færden, A., & Roaldset, J. O. (2017). Low cholesterol level as a risk marker of inpatient and post-discharge violence in acute psychiatry – A prospective study with a focus on gender differences. Psychiatry Research, 255, 1-7. 

Eriksen, B. M. S., Faerden, A., Lockertsen, O., Bjorkly, S., & Roaldset, J. O. (2018). Predictive validity and gender differences in a biopsychosocial model of violence risk assessment in acute psychiatry. Psychiatry Research, 264, 270-280.

Lockertsen, Ø., Procter, N., Vatnar, S. K. B., Faerden, A., Eriksen, B. M. S., Roaldset, J. O., & Varvin, S. (2018). Screening for risk of violence using service users' self-perceptions: A prospective study from an acute mental health unit. Int J Ment Health Nurs, 27(3), 1055-1065. 

Lockertsen, Ø., Varvin, S., Færden, A., Eriksen, B. M. S., Roaldset, J. O., Procter, N. G., & Vatnar, S. K. B. (2020). Risk assessment of imminent violence in acute psychiatry: a step towards an extended model. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 31(1), 41-63. 

Lockertsen, Ø., Varvin, S., Færden, A., & Vatnar, S. K. B. (2021). Short-term risk assessments in an acute psychiatric inpatient setting: A re-examination of the Brøset Violence Checklist using repeated measurements – Differentiating violence characteristics and gender. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 35(1), 17-26.

Improving dignity in the secluded ward with environmental change.  An innovative user-driven design project. (Project number 2015/2326). The aim of the project was to improve the feeling of dignity for patients and staff through environmental designs changes. The project collaborated with the Oslo School of Architecture and Design and engaged also Lovisenberg sykehus and Attendo Paulus sykehjem.  The project has been evaluated and a research paper is in the process of submission for publication.    

Suicides in the acute ward during the 10 years from 2008 - 2018. (18/16702)

Aim of project: 10 year follow up of suicide and severe suicide attempts during hospital stay in the acute ward. Publication:

Patient satisfaction in the acute psychiatric ward (project number 2014/1047)

Aim of project: The aim of the project was to assess patient satisfaction in 2014 with the same survey used in the national patient satisfaction survey in 2005. 

Publication: Færden A, Bølgen B, Løvhaug L, Thoresen C, Dieset I. Patient satisfaction and cute psychiatric inpatient treatment. Nord J Psychiatry. 2020; Nov;74(8):577-584. doi:  0.1080/08039488.2020.1764620. Epub 2020 May 19. PMID: 32427019.

Master thesis: Nils Davik  (2017). Nursing students experienced learning outcomes of medical simulation at a acut psychiatric ward. Masteroppgave i Psykisk Helsearbeid. Fakultet for Helsefag. Institutt for Sykepleie og helsefremmede arbeid. Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus.

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