Moyamoya course for users and next-of kin

On the 22nd of September the moyamoya team at Oslo University Hospital arranged a course for patients with moyamoy and ther next-of-kin. In 2021 Aamodt got grants from Through a pilot project with previous grants from Dam and Odd Fellow to a quality project in moyamoya. In cooperation with the user organisation Norwegian Heart and Lung Patient Association and our user panel at the Division of Clinical Neuroscience, Oslo University Hospital, we have streamlined the workflow with a structured «one-door-in» strategy and state of the art diagnostic work-up for treatment and follow-up of moyamoya patients in Norway. We have established courses led by the moyamoya team and user representatives covering central topics including information on disease and treatment, coping strategies, lifestyle factors and networking platforms for patients and next-of-kin.


To the left: Jesper Sømark – neurologist at the Department of Neurology with a part-time position in the project. Neurosurgeon Markus Wiedmann - the leading neurosurgeon in the moyamoya team.


Physiotherapist Charlotta Hamre giving lecture on physical activity at the course.


Nutritionist Vilde Aabel Skodvin giving advises on diet and nutrition.


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