Funding opportunities for researchers at Oslo University Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine/University of Oslo

This page list all calls relevant for researcher at Oslo University Hospital and the faculty of Medicine/University of Oslo, but please be aware that your eligibility to apply for some calls may depend on your place of employement. Check the call text or contact the team for external funding at the Faculty of Medicine or Oslo University Hospital.

Internal OUS announcements

Timeline of main calls

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Funding opportunities

Light bulbs in a row

Relevant funding opportunities and sources for medical and health research.

Wellcome has announced a call to fund projects that combine computational and experimental neuroscience approaches to improve understanding of symptoms of anxiety, depression and psychosis. Deadline: 9 July 2024.

Are you a researcher with an innovative idea for a new product, service, solution or technology based on your research, but need funding to develop the idea further? UiO has an open call for innovation funding within all academic fields. Deadline: 2 September 2024

Do you know of a talented postdoctoral candidate that would like to move to Oslo and become part of your research group? Then you should explore the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow programme.  Application deadline is 11 September 2024.