Leica DM6000 B wide-field microscope

Living E. coli cells with fluorescent foci of replication origins (red), replisomes (cyan) and the replication fork trailing protein SeqA (green).

Helgesen E, Fossum-Raunehaug S, Skarstad K, 2016, J Bacteriol 31;198(8):1305-16.


The Leica DM6000B is an automated upright epifluorescence microscope equipped with high magnification objectives and a Hamamatsu Imageµ-1κ EM-CCD camera. It is ideal for acquiring images of weak fluorescent proteins in cell cultures, tissues and whole organisms, such as bacteria. 

Microscope features:

  • Automated stage
  • 40x 0.65 NA air objective, Ph2
  • 63x 1.4 NA oil objective, Ph3
  • 100x 1.46 NA oil objective, DIC
  • 100x 1.4 NA oil objective, Ph3
  • Filter cubes for multiple wave lengths including DAPI


Anna Lång, PhD

Telephone: +47 23013915

E-mail: a.u.lang@medisin.uio.no

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