Marianne Riksheim Stavseth
- Statistician, Researcher/post doc; PhD
- +47 23 36 89 73
People who experience incarceration
Substance use dissorders
Publications 2024
Estimated effects of opioid agonist treatment in prison on all-cause mortality and overdose mortality in people released from prison in Norway: a prospective analysis of data from the Norwegian Prison Release Study (nPRIS)
Lancet Public Health, 9 (7), e421-e431
DOI 10.1016/S2468-2667(24)00098-7, PubMed 38942554
The prevalence and comorbidity of mental health and substance use disorders in Scandinavian prisons 2010-2019: a multi-national register study
BMC Psychiatry, 24 (1), 95
DOI 10.1186/s12888-024-05540-6, PubMed 38317111
The prevalence of substance use disorders among people in Norwegian, Danish and Swedish prisons: A multi-national cohort study, 2010-19
Addiction, 119 (7), 1264-1275
DOI 10.1111/add.16477, PubMed 38529890
Treatment utilization among people with drug use disorders in prison: a national longitudinal cohort study
Health Justice, 12 (1), 46
DOI 10.1186/s40352-024-00302-8, PubMed 39589678
[Not Available]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 144 (9)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.23.0850, PubMed 39166997
Characteristics and risk of reimprisonment among children and young adults in Norwegian prisons. A 20-year cohort stud
Journal of Criminal Justice, 93 (102219), 1-9
DOI 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2024.102219, PublikaID 531
Mortality in women with a history of incarceration in Norway: a 20-year national cohort study
Int J Epidemiol, 53 (2)
DOI 10.1093/ije/dyae032, PubMed 38481122
Publications 2023
Leaving Their Drugs at the Gate? Exploring Changes in Drug Use From Before to During Incarceration in Norway
Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol, 306624X231168596 (in press)
DOI 10.1177/0306624X231168596, PubMed 37312513
Exploring mental health comorbidities and opioid agonist treatment coverage among people in prison: A national cohort study 2010-2019
Drug Alcohol Depend, 250, 110896
DOI 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2023.110896, PubMed 37515826
All-cause and cause-specific mortality among individuals imprisoned for driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs in Norway (2000-2016): a retrospective cohort study
BMJ Open, 13 (12), e078848
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-078848, PubMed 38159948
[Remember to clean the data before use!]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 143 (2)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.22.0825, PubMed 36718890
Psychiatric morbidity among women in Norwegian prisons, 2010-2019: a register-based study
BMC Psychiatry, 23 (1), 390
DOI 10.1186/s12888-023-04886-7, PubMed 37268924
The association between drug use and mortality in a norwegian prison cohort: a prospective cohort study
Health Justice, 11 (1), 22
DOI 10.1186/s40352-023-00223-y, PubMed 37058181
Publications 2022
PriSUD-Nordic-Diagnosing and Treating Substance Use Disorders in the Prison Population: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study
JMIR Res Protoc, 11 (3), e35182
DOI 10.2196/35182, PubMed 35320114
The association of prison security level with mortality after release from prison: a retrospective national cohort study (2000-16)
Lancet Public Health, 7 (7), e583-e592
DOI 10.1016/S2468-2667(22)00107-4, PubMed 35779542
Drug use and re-imprisonment: A prospective study of the Norwegian Offender Mental Health and Addiction (NorMA) cohort
Drug Alcohol Depend Rep, 5, 100127
DOI 10.1016/j.dadr.2022.100127, PubMed 36844156
Publications 2021
Suicide in prison and after release: a 17-year national cohort study
Eur J Epidemiol, 36 (10), 1075-1083
DOI 10.1007/s10654-021-00782-0, PubMed 34427828
Exploring the external validity of survey data with triangulation: A case study from the Norwegian Offender Mental Health and Addiction (NorMA) Study
Res Methods Med Health Sci, 2 (4), 140-147
DOI 10.1177/26320843211061298, PublikaID 413
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen., 141 (3), 288
Publications 2020
Factors associated with drug use in prison - results from the Norwegian offender mental health and addiction (NorMA) study
Health Justice, 8 (1), 10
DOI 10.1186/s40352-020-00112-8, PubMed 32399643
[Sensitivity analyses – how robust is the result?]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 140 (8)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.20.0099, PubMed 32463201
Sensitivity analysis - how robust is the result?
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen., 140 (8), 807
Publications 2019
From restrictive to more liberal: variations in moratlity among patients in opioid maintenance treament over a 12-year period
BMC Health Serv Res, 19 (1), 553
DOI 10.1186/s12913-019-4382-9, PubMed 31391048
How handling missing data may impact conclusions: A comparison of six different imputation methods for categorical questionnaire data
SAGE Open Med, 7, 2050312118822912
DOI 10.1177/2050312118822912, PubMed 30671242
The clinical consequences of variable selection in multiple regression models: a case study of the Norwegian Opioid Maintenance Treatment program
Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse, 46 (1), 13-21
DOI 10.1080/00952990.2019.1648484, PubMed 31603346
Publications 2017
High risk of overdose death following release from prison: variations in mortality during a 15-year observation period
Addiction, 112 (8), 1432-1439
DOI 10.1111/add.13803, PubMed 28319291
Factors associated with ongoing criminal engagement while in opioid maintenance treatment
J Subst Abuse Treat, 77, 52-56
DOI 10.1016/j.jsat.2017.03.010, PubMed 28476272
Publications 2015
The Norwegian Offender Mental Health and Addiction Study - Design and Implementation of a National Survey and Prospective Cohort Study
Subst Abuse, 9 (Suppl 2), 59-66
DOI 10.4137/SaRt.S23546, PubMed 26648732