Aleksander Gulla Heltne
- PhD student; Psychologist
Aleksander Heltne has a degree in psychology from the University of Bergen and now works as a research fellow at the Department of Research and Innovation, Section for Treatment Research, Oslo University Hospital. His doctoral project is subject to the PersoniCAT project. The PersoniCAT project intends to develop a computer-adaptive interview for the assessment of personality disorders. The goal is for this instrument to be intuitive, user-friendly and easier to learn and use than existing assessment instruments for this patient group. Heltne's doctoral project focuses on the user-friendliness and clinical utility of existing clinical assessment instruments, to inform the development of administration routines, score reports and training programs for the instrument developed in the PersoniCAT project.
Publications 2024
Efficacy of an internet-delivered cognitive enhancement intervention for subjective residual cognitive deficits in remitted major depressive disorder: A randomized crossover trial
J Affect Disord, 364, 87-95
DOI 10.1016/j.jad.2024.08.035, PubMed 39142571
Publications 2023
A systematic review of measurement uncertainty visualizations in the context of standardized assessments
Scand J Psychol, 64 (5), 595-608
DOI 10.1111/sjop.12918, PubMed 37259691
Publications 2022
Do Flexible Administration Procedures Promote Individualized Clinical Assessments? An Explorative Analysis of How Clinicians Utilize the Funnel Structure of the SCID-5-AMPD Module I: LPFS
J Pers Assess, 105 (5), 636-646
DOI 10.1080/00223891.2022.2152344, PubMed 36511879
Publications 2021
Norwegian Clinicians' Experiences of Learnability and Usability of SCID-II, SCID-5-PD and SCID-5-AMPD-I Interviews: A Sequential Multi-Group Qualitative Approach
J Pers Assess, 104 (5), 599-612
DOI 10.1080/00223891.2021.1975726, PubMed 34546142
More is more: Evidence for the incremental value of the SCID-II/SCID-5-PD specific factors over and above a general personality disorder factor
Personal Disord, 13 (2), 108-118
DOI 10.1037/per0000426, PubMed 33600207