Inger Riise Bergheim

  • Senior engineer; MSc; nurse
  • +47 22 78 13 66

Research group


Publications 2020

Ree AH, Nygaard V, Boye K, Heinrich D, Dueland S, Bergheim IR, Johansen C, Beiske K, Negård A, Lund-Iversen M, Nygaard V, Hovig E, Nakken S, Nasser S, Julsrud L, Reisse CH, Ruud EA, Kristensen VN, Flørenes VA, Geitvik GA, Lingjærde OC, Børresen-Dale AL, Russnes HG, Mælandsmo GM, Flatmark K (2020)
Molecularly matched therapy in the context of sensitivity, resistance, and safety; patient outcomes in end-stage cancer - the MetAction study
Acta Oncol, 59 (7), 733-740
DOI 10.1080/0284186X.2020.1742377, PubMed 32208873

Weber S, Spiegl B, Perakis SO, Ulz CM, Abuja PM, Kashofer K, Leest PV, Azpurua MA, Tamminga M, Brudzewsky D, Rothwell DG, Mohan S, Sartori A, Lampignano R, Konigshofer Y, Sprenger-Haussels M, Wikman H, Bergheim IR, Kloten V, Schuuring E, Speicher MR, Heitzer E (2020)
Technical Evaluation of Commercial Mutation Analysis Platforms and Reference Materials for Liquid Biopsy Profiling
Cancers (Basel), 12 (6)
DOI 10.3390/cancers12061588, PubMed 32560092

Publications 2019

Flørenes VA, Flem-Karlsen K, McFadden E, Bergheim IR, Nygaard V, Nygård V, Farstad IN, Øy GF, Emilsen E, Giller-Fleten K, Ree AH, Flatmark K, Gullestad HP, Hermann R, Ryder T, Wernhoff P, Mælandsmo GM (2019)
A Three-dimensional Ex Vivo Viability Assay Reveals a Strong Correlation Between Response to Targeted Inhibitors and Mutation Status in Melanoma Lymph Node Metastases
Transl Oncol, 12 (7), 951-958
DOI 10.1016/j.tranon.2019.04.001, PubMed 31096111

Ree AH, Nygaard V, Russnes HG, Heinrich D, Nygaard V, Johansen C, Bergheim IR, Hovig E, Beiske K, Negård A, Børresen-Dale AL, Flatmark K, Mælandsmo GM (2019)
Responsiveness to PD-1 Blockade in End-Stage Colon Cancer with Gene Locus 9p24.1 Copy-Number Gain
Cancer Immunol Res, 7 (5), 701-706
DOI 10.1158/2326-6066.CIR-18-0777, PubMed 30804006

Publications 2017

Ree AH, Russnes HG, Heinrich D, Dueland S, Boye K, Nygaard V, Silwal-Pandit L, Østrup O, Hovig E, Nygaard V, Rødland EA, Nakken S, Øien JT, Johansen C, Bergheim IR, Skarpeteig V, Sathermugathevan M, Sauer T, Lund-Iversen M, Beiske K, Nasser S, Julsrud L, Reisse CH, Ruud EA, Flørenes VA et al. (2017)
Implementing precision cancer medicine in the public health services of Norway: the diagnostic infrastructure and a cost estimate
ESMO Open, 2 (2), e000158
DOI 10.1136/esmoopen-2017-000158, PubMed 28761742

Publications 2013

Hoivik EA, Witsoe SL, Bergheim IR, Xu Y, Jakobsson I, Tengholm A, Doskeland SO, Bakke M (2013)
DNA methylation of alternative promoters directs tissue specific expression of Epac2 isoforms
PLoS One, 8 (7), e67925
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0067925, PubMed 23861833