Norwegian Core Facility for Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Users 2022 Current users 2022
Fei Fang, AHUS |
2 |
Training in iPSC maintanance |
ALS Norge |
Generating disease specific neurons |
Prof. Ole Andreassen and Prof. Srdjan Djurovic, Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Generating psychiatric-disease specific hiPSCs, use of external lab, use of quarantine lab, Flow Cytometry service, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Jean-Luc Boulland, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Confocal microscopy |
Dr. Med. Jan E. Brinchmann, Oslo University Hospital |
3 |
Nitrogen storage service |
Caido |
1 |
Use of virus lab |
Dr. Coen Campsteijn, Dep. of Molecular Medicine, University of Oslo |
1 |
Mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Farrukh Chaudry, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Geir Christensen, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing, reagents |
Prof. Philippe Collas, Dep. of Molecular Medicine, University of Oslo |
4 |
Confocal microscopy, Mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Erik Dissen, University of Oslo |
2 |
Differentiating specific hiPSCs, confocal microscopy |
3 |
Differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, use of virus lab, use of external lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Kaja Nordengen, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Confocal microscopy |
Prof. Goran Petrovski, , Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Use of external lab, use of quarantine lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasmatesting |
Ass.Prof. Johanne Rinholm, Oslo University Hospital |
4 |
Confocal microscopy |
Prof. Jerome Ruzzin, University of Oslo |
1 |
Use of quarantine lab, mycoplasma testing |
SFF- Hybrid Technology Hub (SFF-HTH), Prof. Stefan Krauss, Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Confocal microscopy, flowcytometry, reagents |
Prof. Anne Simonsen, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
2 |
Confocal microscopy, quarantine lab, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Anne Spurkland, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
2 |
Confocal microscopy, quarantine lab, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Benedikte Stavik, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Gareth Sullivan, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Use of quarantine lab, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Jerome Ruzzin, University of Oslo |
1 |
Use of quarantine lab, mycoplasma testing |
Norwegian Core Facility for Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Users 2021
Prof. Philippe Collas, Dep. of Molecular Medicine, University of Oslo |
4 |
Confocal microscopy, Mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Med. Jan E. Brinchmann, Oslo University Hospital |
3 |
Flow Cytometry service, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Trygve Holmøy, Akershus University Hospital, Dr. Mrinal Kumar, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Generating and differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, use of external lab, use of quarantine lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
ALS Norge |
Generating disease specific hiPSCs |
Prof. Goran Petrovski, , Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Generating hiPSCs |
Prof. Sandip Kanse, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
2 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Farrukh Chaudry, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Ass. Prof. Kåre-Olav Stensløkken, Dep. of Physiology, University of Oslo |
2 |
Mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Anne Simonsen, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
2 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Ole Andreassen and Prof. Srdjan Djurovic, Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Generating psychiatric-disease specific hiPSCs, use of external lab, use of quarantine lab, Flow Cytometry service, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Chantal Tallaksen, Dr. Med. Iselin Marie Wedding, PhD.stud. Hege Brincker Fjerdingstad, Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål |
1 |
Use of external lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
8 |
Generating and differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, use of virus lab, use of external lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Gareth Sullivan, Oslo University Hospital |
3 |
Confocal microscopy, use of quarantine lab, mycoplasma testing |
SFF- Hybrid Technology Hub (SFF-HTH), Prof. Stefan Krauss, Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Training in hiPSC culture, confocal microscopy, flowcytometry |
Prof. Erik Dissen, University of Oslo |
2 |
Differentiating specific hiPSCs, confocal microscopy |
Prof. Jerome Ruzzin, University of Oslo |
1 |
Use of quarantine lab, mycoplasma testing |
Norwegian Core Facility for Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Users 2020
Prof. Philippe Collas, Dep. of Molecular Medicine, University of Oslo |
6 |
Use of virus lab, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Med. Jan E. Brinchmann, Oslo University Hospital |
3 |
Flow Cytometry service, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Trygve Holmøy, Akershus University Hospital, Dr. Mrinal Kumar, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Generating and differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, use of outer lab, use of quarantine lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. William Louch, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Training in hiPSC culture |
ALS Norge |
Generating disease specific hiPSCs |
Prof. Goran Petrovski, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Generating hiPSCs |
Prof. Sandip Kanse, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
2 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Farrukh Chaudry, Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Ass. Prof. Kåre-Olav Stensløkken, Dep. of Physiology, University of Oslo |
2 |
Mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Anne Simonsen, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
2 |
Use of ully-contained multichambered controlled atmosphere cell culture and incubation unit, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Ole Andreassen and Prof. Srdjan Djurovic, Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Generating psychiatric-disease specific hiPSCs, use of outer lab, use of quarantine lab, Flow Cytometry service, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Chantal Tallaksen, PhD.stud. Hege Brincker Fjerdingstad, Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål |
1 |
Use of outer lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
8 |
Generating and differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, use of virus lab, use of outer lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Gareth Sullivan, Oslo University Hospital |
3 |
Confocal microscopy, use of quarantine lab, mycoplasma testing |
SFF- Hybrid Technology Hub (SFF-HTH), Prof. Stefan Krauss, Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Training in hiPSC culture, confocal microscopy, flowcytometry |
Prof. Hesso Farhan, Oslo University Hospital
10 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Erik Dissen, University of Oslo |
2 |
Differentiating specific hiPSCs, confocal microscopy |
Prof. Jerome Ruzzin, University of Oslo |
1 |
Use of quarantine lab, mycoplasma testing |
Norwegian Core Facility for Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Users 2019
Generating disease specific hiPSCs |
Prof. Sandip Kanse, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
2 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Adam Filipczyk, Independent researcher, Dep. of Microbiology, University of Oslo |
3 |
Training in hiPSC culture, mycoplasma testing |
Ass. Prof. Kåre-Olav Stensløkken, Dep. of Physiology, University of Oslo |
1 |
Mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Anne Simonsen, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
2 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Ole Andreassen and Prof. Srdjan Djurovic, Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Generating psychiatric-disease specific hiPSCs, use of external lab, flow Cytometry service, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Chantal Tallaksen, Dr. Med. Iselin Marie Wedding, PhD.stud. Hege Brincker Fjerdingstad, Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål |
1 |
Use of external lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
4 |
Generating and differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, use of virus lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Gareth Sullivan, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Generating and differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
SFF- Hybrid Technology Hub (SFF-HTH), Prof. Stefan Krauss, Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Training in hiPSC culture, use of external lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Norwegian Core Facility for Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Users 2019
Prof. Philippe Collas, Dep. of Molecular Medicine, University of Oslo |
2 |
Use of virus lab, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Med. Jan E. Brinchmann, Oslo University Hospital |
3 |
Flow Cytometry service, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Trygve Holmøy, Akershus University Hospital, Dr. Aleksandra Aizenshtadt & Dr. Mrinal Kumar, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Generating and differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, use of outer lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Med. Inger-Marie Skogseid, Dr. Agata Impellizzeri, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Generating and differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, use of outer lab, use of virus lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
ALS Norge |
Generating disease specific hiPSCs |
Prof. Tormod Fladby and Dr. Med. Kaja Nordengen, Akershus University Hospital |
1 |
Generating disease specific hiPSCs |
Prof. Sandip Kanse, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
2 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Adam Filipczyk, Independent researcher, Dep. of Microbiology, University of Oslo |
3 |
Training in hiPSC culture, mycoplasma testing |
Ass. Prof. Kåre-Olav Stensløkken, Dep. of Physiology, University of Oslo |
1 |
Mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Anne Simonsen, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
2 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Ole Andreassen and Prof. Srdjan Djurovic, Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Generating psychiatric-disease specific hiPSCs, use of outer lab, flow Cytometry service, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Chantal Tallaksen, Dr. Med. Iselin Marie Wedding, PhD.stud. Hege Brincker Fjerdingstad, Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål |
1 |
Use of outer lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
4 |
Generating and differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, use of virus lab, use of outer lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Gareth Sullivan, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Generating and differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
SFF- Hybrid Technology Hub (SFF-HTH), Prof. Stefan Krauss, Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Training in hiPSC culture, use of outer lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Farrukh Chaudry, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Generating hiPSCs, Generating Neural Progenitor Cells (NPS’s), confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Norwegian Core Facility Users 2018
Prof. Philippe Collas, Dep. of Molecular Medicine, University of Oslo |
2 |
Use of virus lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Med. Jan E. Brinchmann, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Flow Cytometry service, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Trygve Holmøy, Akershus University Hospital, Dr. Aleksandra Aizenshtadt & Dr. Mrinal Kumar, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Use of external lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Med. Inger-Marie Skogseid, Dr. Agata Impellizzeri, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Generating and differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, use of external lab, use of virus lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
ALS Norge |
Generating disease specific hiPSCs |
Prof. Tormod Fladby and Dr. Med. Kaja Nordengen, Akershus University Hospital |
1 |
Generating disease specific hiPSCs |
Prof. Sandip Kanse, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
2 |
Flow Cytometry service, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Adam Filipczyk, Independent researcher, Dep. of Microbiology, University of Oslo |
2 |
Use of the virus lab, mycoplasma testing |
Ass. Prof. Kåre-Olav Stensløkken, Dep. of Physiology, University of Oslo |
1 |
Mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Anne Simonsen, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
3 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing, BioSpherix |
Prof. Ole Andreassen and Prof. Srdjan Djurovic, Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Generating psychiatric-disease specific hiPSCs, use of external lab, flow Cytometry service, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Chantal Tallaksen, Dr. Med. Iselin Marie Wedding, PhD.stud. Hege Brincker Fjerdingstad, Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål |
1 |
Use of external lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
4 |
Generating and differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, use of external lab, use of virus lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Gareth Sullivan, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Generating and differentiating disease specific hiPSCs, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
SFF- Hybrid Technology Hub (SFF-HTH), Prof. Stefan Krauss, Oslo University Hospital |
4 |
Use of external lab, training in hiPSC culture, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Current users 2024
Prof. Goran Petrovski, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Use of external lab; use of quarantine lab, assistance in feeding and expansion of iPSC-derived differentiated cells; confocal microscopy; mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Kaja Nordengen, Oslo University Hospital |
4 |
iPSC reprogramming; training in iPSC maintenance, storage, and characterization (qPCR, immunostaining, etc.); genetic karyotyping of iPSCs; confocal microscopy; assistance in feeding and expansion of iPSC-lines; use of outer lab; use of quarantine lab; mycoplasma testing; reagents; consultation |
Prof. Srdjan Djurovic, Oslo University Hospital |
4 |
Use of external lab; mycoplasma testing; qPCR and immunocytochemical characterization of iPSCs; confocal microscopy |
ALS Norge |
1 |
Microfluidic in vitro ALS disease model |
NIBCA (Norwegian iPSC Biobank for Clinical Applications), IMMI, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Consultation; pre-GMP protocol development (patient skin biopsy, patient-derived skin fibroblast isolation, expansion and storage) |
Forsker Vu Nakstad, SINTEF Trondheim |
4 |
Consultation; training in iPSC culture, maintenance and storage; expansion of iPSC-lines; qPCR and immunocytochemical characterization of iPSCs; genetic karyotyping of iPSCs |
Prof. Stefan Krauss, SFF – Hybrid Technology Hub (SFF-HTH) |
15 |
Confocal microscopy training; confocal microscopy; reagents |
Prof. Joel Glover, University of Oslo, OUS |
3 |
Differentiation of disease-specific hiPSCs; confocal microscopy |
Ass. Prof. Johanne Rinholm, University of Oslo, OUS |
7 |
Consultation; confocal microscopy; reagents |
Prof. Antonia Follenzi, University of East Piemonte “Amedeo Avogadro”, Novara, Italy |
1 |
Consultation |
Ass. Prof. Coen Campsteijn, University of Oslo |
1 |
Training in iPSC culture, maintenance and storage |
Dr. Kari Inngjerdingen, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Mycoplasma testing |
Ass. Prof. Kay Schink, University of Oslo |
3 |
Mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Koen Verveake, University of Oslo |
3 |
Confocal microscopy |
Prof. Phillipe Collas, University of Oslo |
2 |
Confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Reidun Torp, University of Oslo |
1 |
Confocal microscopy |
Dr. Rune Enger, University of Oslo |
1 |
Confocal microscopy |
Prof. Sandip Kanse, University of Oslo |
1 |
Confocal microscopy |
Prof. Anne Simonsen, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Espen Melum, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Confocal microscopy |
Prof. Farrukh Chaudry, University of Oslo, OUS |
2 |
Confocal microscopy; mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Jerome Ruzzin, University of Oslo |
2 |
Mycoplasma testing |
Current users 2023
ALS Norge |
1 |
Generating ALS disease-specific neurons |
Prof. Ole Andreassen and Prof. Srdjan Djurovic, Oslo University Hospital |
5 |
Generating psychiatric-disease specific hiPSCs, use of external lab, use of quarantine lab, flow cytometry service, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing, long-term fibroblast and iPSC storage |
Dr. Jean-Luc Boulland, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Confocal microscopy |
Dr. Med. Jan E. Brinchmann, Oslo University Hospital |
3 |
Long-term cell storage |
Dr. Coen Campsteijn, Dep. of Molecular Medicine, University of Oslo |
1 |
Use of quarantine lab, mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Farrukh Chaudry, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Confocal microscopy |
Prof. Philippe Collas, Dep. of Molecular Medicine, University of Oslo |
2 |
Mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Erik Dissen, University of Oslo |
2 |
Differentiating neurons from hiPSCs, confocal microscopy |
Dr. Rune Enger, Letten Center |
2 |
Confocal microscopy |
Evotec |
4 |
Use of external lab, use of quarantine lab, assistance in maintenance of iPSC lines, mycoplasma testing |
3 |
Differentiating disease-specific iPSCs, use of virus lab, use of external lab, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Kari Inngjerdingen, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Espen Melum, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Confocal microscopy |
Dr. Kaja Nordengen, Oslo University Hospital |
2 |
Confocal microscopy |
Prof. Goran Petrovski, , Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Use of external lab, use of quarantine lab, assistance in maintenance of iPSC lines, confocal microscopy, mycoplasma testing |
Ass.Prof. Johanne Rinholm, Oslo University Hospital |
4 |
Confocal microscopy |
Prof. Jerome Ruzzin, University of Oslo |
1 |
Use of quarantine lab, mycoplasma testing |
SFF- Hybrid Technology Hub (SFF-HTH), Prof. Stefan Krauss, Oslo University Hospital |
14 |
Confocal microscopy, reagents |
Prof. Anne Simonsen, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
2 |
Use of quarantine lab, mycoplasma testing, confocal microscopy |
Prof. Anne Spurkland, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
1 |
Mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Reidun Torp, Oslo University Hospital |
1 |
Confocal microscopy |
Prof. Koen Vervaeke |
3 |
Confocal microscopy |
Prof. Jerome Ruzzin, University of Oslo |
1 |
Use of quarantine lab, mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Ilona Uzieliene, State Research Institute Centre for Innovative Medicine, Lithuania |
1 |
Consultation; iPSC reprogramming; training in iPSC culture, maintenance and storage |
Prof. Antonia Follenzi, University of East Piemonte "Amedeo Avogadro", Novara, Italy |
1 |
Consultation; iPSC culture and optimization; differentiation of iPSC-derived neurons and glia |
Prof. Elena Kozlova, Uppsala University |
1 |
Consultation; differentiation of iPSC-derived neurospheres |
Norwegian Core Facility Users 2016/2017
Prof. Iver Langmoen, Dep. of Neurosurgery, Oslo University Hospital |
3 | Use of Virus lab, Flow Cytometry service and Mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Heidi Kiil Blomhoff, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo | 2 | Use of Virus Lab, Confocal microscope and Mycoplasma |
1 | Use of Flow Cytometry service | |
3 |
Study of lamin-genome interactions/ Use of Virus lab and Mycoplasma testing |
Dr. Jan E. Brinchmann, Oslo University Hospital | 2 |
Use of Flow Cytometry service |
Arne Yndestad, Researcher, Research Institute for Internal Medicine | 2 | Use of Confocal microscope |
Prof. Sandip Kanse, Dep. of Biochemistry | 6 | Use of Confocal microscope |
Prof. Svein Olav Kolset, Dep. of Nutrition | 1 | Use of Confocal microscope |
Adam Filiczyk, Independent researcher, Dep. of Microbiology, University of Oslo | 2 | Use of the Virus lab |
Prof. Stefan Krauss, Dep. of Microbiology, University of Oslo | 1 | Mycoplasma testing |
Ass. Prof. Kåre-Olav Stensløkken, Dep. of Physiology |
3 | Use of Confocal microscope and Mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Anne Simonsen, Dep. of Biochemistry | 6 | Use of Confocal microscope |
Prof. Magnar Bjørås, Dep. of Microbiology, Oslo University Hospital | Generating psychiatric-disease specific hiPSCs | |
Dr. Vivi Ann Flørenes and Dr. Ana Slipicevic, Dept of Pathology, Radium Hospital, Oslo |
Deriving hiPSCs from tumor cells/ |
Prof. Laurence Bindoff, Professor & Consultant Neurologist, Haukeland Hospital, Bergen |
Generating mitochondria-disease specific hiPSCs | |
Prof. Ole Andreassen and Dr Srdjan Djurovic, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo |
Generating psychiatric-disease specific hiPSCs | |
Prof. Chantal Tallaksen, Ullevål Hospital, Oslo |
Generating neurological disease-specific hiPSCs | |
Prof. Joel Glover, National Hospital, Oslo |
4 | Generating serotonergic neurons from hES cells |
Dr. Gareth Sullivan, National Hospital, Oslo |
3 | Generating iPS cells for production of endodermal cell types and neurons |
Prof. Morten Moe, Center for Eye Research, Ullevål Hospital, and Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research, Oslo |
Generating ocular hiPSCs for generation of RPE | |
Prof. Robert Millar, University of Pretoria, South Africa |
Generating hiPSCs from endangered species | |
Prof. In Hyun Park, Yale Stem Cell Centre, Yale, USA |
Developing new reprogramming technology | |
Prof. Deok-Ho Kim, Department of Bioengineering & Member, Center for Cardiovascular Biology, Institute of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, USA |
Developing novel nanopatterned surfaces for maintenance of hepatic function | |
Nikolaj Gadegaard, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Rankine Building, University of Glasgow |
Developing novel nanopatterned surfaces for maintenace of hepatic function | |
Dr Lenny Nelson (University of Edinburgh) |
3D organotypic models of liver |
Prof. Anne Spurkland, Dep. of Molecular Immunology |
1 |
Use of FACS service |
Prof. Srdjan Djurovic, Dep of Medicine Genetics |
3 |
Project: "Using stem cells to understand the underlying mechanisms of polygenic risksof severemental disorders." Project: "Application of human induced neuronalstem cells to investigate the role of inflammatory factors in severe mental disorders." |
Dr. Inger - Marie Skogseid, Dep of Neurology |
1 | Patient-derived ips cells for investigating pathogenetic mechanisms of brain diseases that cause movement disorders |
Prof. Farhan Hesso, Dep. of Biochemistry |
Use of Confocal microscope and Mycoplasma testing | |
Dr. Ragnhild Eskeland, Dep of Bioscience | 4 | Project: PharmaStemEpidentetics, hES culture |
Prof. Marianne Thoresen, Dep of Physiology | ||
Prof. Erik Dissen, Dep of Anatomy | 1 | Cultivating iPS |
Norwegian Core Facility Users 2015
Norwegian Core Facility Users 2015
Prof. Iver Langmoen, Dep. of Neurosurgery, Oslo University Hospital |
3 | Use of Virus lab, Flow Cytometry service and Mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Heidi Kiil Blomhoff, Dep. of Biochemistry, University of Oslo |
1 | Use of Virus Lab, Confocal microscope and Mycoplasma |
1 | Use of Flow Cytometry service | |
2 |
Study of lamin-genome interactions/ |
Dr. Jan E. Brinchmann, Oslo University Hospital | 5 |
Making Cartilage from MSCs/ |
Arne Yndestad, Researcher, Research Institute for Internal Medicine |
2 | Use of Confocal microscope |
Prof. Sandip Kanse, Dep. of Biochemistry |
6 | Use of Confocal microscope |
Camilla Solberg, Head Engineer, Dep. of Biochemistry |
1 | Use of Flow Cytometry service |
Prof. Svein Olav Kolset, Dep. of Nutrition | 1 | Use of Confocal microscope |
Adam Filiczyk, Independent researcher, Dep. of Microbiology, University of Oslo |
Use of the Virus lab | |
Prof. Stefan Krauss, Dep. of Microbiology, University of Oslo |
1 | Mycoplasma testing |
Ass. Prof. Kåre-Olav Stensløkken, Dep. of Physiology |
3 | Use of Confocal microscope and Mycoplasma testing |
Prof. Anne Simonsen, Dep. of Biochemistry |
6 | Use of Confocal microscope |
Dr. Vivi Ann Flørenes and Dr. Ana Slipicevic, Dept of Pathology, Radium Hospital, Oslo |
Deriving hiPSCs from tumor cells/ |
Prof. Laurence Bindoff, Professor & Consultant Neurologist, Haukeland Hospital, Bergen |
Generating mitochondria-disease specific hiPSCs | |
Prof. Ole Andreassen and Dr Srdjan Djurovic, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo |
Generating psychiatric-disease specific hiPSCs | |
Prof. Ola Myklebost, Radium Hospital, Oslo |
Generating cancer-specific hiPSCs | |
Prof. Chantal Tallaksen, Ullevål Hospital, Oslo |
Generating neurological disease-specific hiPSCs | |
Prof. Joel Glover, National Hospital, Oslo |
4 | Generating serotonergic neurons from hES cells |
Dr. Gareth Sullivan, National Hospital, Oslo |
3 | Generating iPS cells for production of endodermal cell types and neurons |
Dr. Elisabeth Larsen, National Hospital, Oslo |
2 | Generating iPS cells for production of cardiomyocytes |
Prof. Morten Moe, Center for Eye Research, Ullevål Hospital, and Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research, Oslo |
Generating ocular hiPSCs for generation of RPE | |
Prof. Robert Millar, University of Pretoria, South Africa |
Generating hiPSCs from endangered species | |
Prof. In Hyun Park, Yale Stem Cell Centre, Yale, USA |
Developing new reprogramming technology | |
Prof. Deok-Ho Kim, Department of Bioengineering & Member, Center for Cardiovascular Biology, Institute of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, USA |
Developing novel nanopatterned surfaces for maintenance of hepatic function | |
Nikolaj Gadegaard, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Rankine Building, University of Glasgow |
Developing novel nanopatterned surfaces for maintenace of hepatic function | |
Dr Lenny Nelson (University of Edinburgh) |
3D organotypic models of liver |