The Norwegian Prostate Cancer Biomarker Consortium
Research Interests
Scavenging for protein biomarkers for lethal prostate cancer
Biomarkers in primary tumors predicting lymph node metastasis
sPLND (salvage pelvic lymph node dissection)
Tumor-nerve crosstalk
Early biomarkers for androgen deprivation treatment failure
GAP-1 serum
GAP1, or Global Action Plan 1, is a global program which aims to optimalize yields by bringing together the best from biobanks and registers world-wide. At the same time, across-the-border collaborations between researchers will ensure a great collective competence.
Members of the GAP1-Serum project: William Watson (Dublin), Lorelei Mucci (Boston), Kenneth Evans (Toronto), Kristin Austlid Taskén (Oslo), GAP1-Unique TMA (Oslo University Hospital (Viktor Berge (PI), Olov Øgren (project coordinator), Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, University of Washington, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Emory University, Université de Montréal, University of Montreal Hospital Research Center, The University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Duke University).
Metabolite biomarkers for treatment failure
Although radical prostatectomy normally is administered with curative intent, 20-30% of men experience prostate cancer recurrence following surgery. Adjuvant therapy has been shown to be beneficial in terms of recurrence-free, metastasis-free, and overall survival, but is associated with more comorbidities than PSA-monitoring alone. Thus, novel prognostic biomarkers capable of distinguishing non-recurrent from recurrent prostate cancers will improve prostate cancer care.
Tissue and clinicopathological data from men radically operated for PCa at Oslo University Hospital and St. Olavs Hospital are being metabolically fingerprinted using High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H HR-MAS MRS). We investigate the association between metabolite levels and development of recurrence.
Importantly, the translational potential of ex vivo MRS to in vivo MRS imaging (MRSI) may be exploited preoperatively for risk prediction. Together, an enhanced diagnostic and prognostic accuracy through performing MRS and MRSI on prostate cancer patients can help uro-oncologists consider tailored adjuvant therapy and/or closer monitoring of high-risk patients, as well as possibly prevent over-treatment of patients with low-risk disease.
Project members: Braadland, P.R (OUS), Giskeødegård, G. (NTNU) Sandsmark, E.(NTNU), Bertilsson, H. (NTNU/St.Olavs), Euceda, L.G. (NTNU), Hansen, A.F. (NTNU), Katz, B.(OUS), Svindland, A.(OUS), Grytli, H.H, (OUS), Berge, V. (OUS) Eri, L.M. (OUS/UIO), Nygård, S. (OUS), Bathen T.F. (NTNU), Taskén, K.A. (OUS/UIO), Tessem M.B. (NTNU).