Research projects

  • Advanced ultrasound methods in the assessment of carotid plaque instability
  • The MIST study (Microbiota in Stroke); The Gut and Oral bacteria, Atherosclerosis and Ischemic Stroke
  • Improving cerebral haemodynamic diagnostics using transcranial ultrasound in a neurocritical care cohort
  • The BRIDGE study: Bridging pregnancy and fetal microchimerism with future female maternal cardiovascular and neurovascular health
  • Inflammation in atherosclerosis and ischemic stroke; a biomarker study
  • Norwegian prospective ultrasound study of CARotid RADiation-induced lesions in head and neck cancer
    patients (NOR-CARRAD)
  • The StrokeOmics study: Multi-Omics for Precision Medicine in Acute Ischemic Stroke
  • Cardiovascular risk in ketogenic diet, assessed by advanced ultrasound of carotid arteries
  • Pre- and intracerebral vasculophaties in ischemic stroke, a register study.

Investigator-led studies:

  • Group members are participating in RCTs, observational and industry funded trials (ACST-2, STROKECLOSE, ESCAPE-NEXT, The OCCLUSION-AF Trial)
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