
Clinical PET/CT

The clinical PET research facility facilitates: 

  • PET/CT examinations within various fields of biomedical research  
  • Consultation on study design and protocol setup
  • Execution of experiments
  • Data analyses and interpretation of results
Discovery MI PET/CT


  • Discovery MI PET/CT (GE Healthcare)
  • Biograph mCT PET/CT (Siemens Healthineers) 
  • Cardiac and respiratory gating
  • Laser beam system for radiation planning
  • Automated blood sampler for arterial blood sampling 

Data analysis software:

  • Syngo.Via (Siemens Healthineers)
  • AW (GE Healthcare)
  • PMOD (PMOD Technologies)

Preclinical PET/MRI (Q3/4 2023)

The preclinical PET research facility facilitates: 

  • PET/MRI examinations of mice and rats within various fields of biomedical research  
  • Handling of mice and rats used in research 
  • Teaching and instrument-specific training
  • Consultation on study design and protocol setup
  • Advice and guidance for optimal used of PET technology
  • Execution of experiments
  • Data analyses and interpretation of results


Data analysis software:

  • VivoQuant (Invicro)
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