Research projects

SESAME – Sex diffErences in prehospital stroke Medicine. Prospective international cohort study. The primary objective is to identify sex differences in prehospital stroke care and understand and uncover reasons for such differences. 

Safe IVT FXa study (SIFT) – The Safety of intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke with recent ingestion of factor Xa inhibitors study 

ParaNASPP - The main aim of the study is to show that patients with suspected acute stroke met by the emergency medical service and assessed using the eSTROKE model including prehospital NIHSS and a mobile application will identify a higher number of patients with stroke, than those who receive conventional prehospital care.

ELAN – early versus late initiation of direct oral anticoagulants in post-ischemic stroke patients with atrial fibrillation