Ida Løchting
- Postdoc; PhD
- +47 23 01 63 52
Ida has a PhD from the University of Oslo from 2016 with the following title:” Illness perceptions and individualized quality of life in patients with low back pain”. In the last 10 years, Ida has mainly been working with research on patients with musculoskeletal disorder, including clinical trials, both in primary and secondary health services. Psychological challenges such as anxiety, depression and illness perception, beliefs and coping has been primary area of interest.
Research Project
Using Motivational Interviewing (MI) in the dialogue with sick-listed people has become a popular strategy in NAV offices in Norway despite that there is limited evidence for the effect of MI on return to work outcomes.
The project consists of 3 work packages (WP) were the main objective of the overall project is to compare the effects of MI, either provided alone by NAV employees, or combined with Stratified Primary Care, provided by GPs or physiotherapists in primary health care, with usual NAV practice on return to work among people sick-listed due to a musculoskeletal disorder.
This specific post doc project is related to WP1 and will evaluate the current practice of NAV in dealing with sick-listed people due to a musculoskeletal disorder, as well as the current evidence for using MI to facilitate return to work in musculoskeletal disorders.
Research interests
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Illness perceptions and coping with illness
- Quality of life
- Return to work
- Occupational health
- Patient reported outcomes
Werner EL, Løchting I, Storheim K, Grotle M.
A focus group study to understand biases and confounders in a cluster randomized controlled trial on low back pain in primary care in Norway.BMC Fam Pract. 2018 May 22;19(1):71. doi: 10.1186/s12875-018-0759-9
Mansell G, Storheim K, Løchting I, Werner EL, Grotle M.
Identification of Indirect Effects in a Cognitive Patient Education (COPE) Intervention for Low Back Pain.Phys Ther. 2017 Dec 1;97(12):1138-1146. doi: 10.1093/ptj/pzx091
Løchting I, Garratt AM, Storheim K, Werner E, Grotle M. The impact of psychological factors on condition-specific, generic and individualized patient reported outcomes in low back pain. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2017 Feb 21;15(1):40.doi: 10.1186/s12955-017-0593-0
Løchting I, Storheim K, Werner E, Smaastuen M, Grotle M. Evaluation of Individualized Quality of Life and Illness Perceptions in Low Back Pain. A Patient Education Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Accepted in Patient Education and Counseling 2016 Dec;99 (12):1992-1998. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2016.05.015
Werner EL, Storheim K, Løchting I, Wisløff T, Grotle M (2016).Cognitive Patient Education for Low Back Pain in Primary Care: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.Spine (Phila Pa 1976). Mar; 41(6):455-62
Garratt AM, Klokkerud M, Løchting I, Hagen KB (2016). Rasch analysis of the Norwegian version of the Arthritis Self-Efficacy Scale (ASES).Scand J Rheumatol. 2016 May 17:1-7
Løchting I, Grotle M, Storheim K, Werner EL, Garratt AM (2014). Individualized quality of life in patients with low back pain: reliability and validity of the Patient Generated Index. J Rehabil Med. Sep;46 (8):781-787
Garratt AM, Løchting I, Smedslund G, Hagen KB (2014).Measurement properties of instruments assessing self-efficacy in patients with rheumatic diseases.Rheumatology (Oxford). Jul; 53(7):1161-71
Løchting I, Garratt AM, Storheim K, Werner EL and Grotle M (2013). Evaluation of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire in Sub-Acute and Chronic Low Back Pain Patients: Data Quality, Reliability and Validity. J Pain Relief. 2:122. doi: 10.4172/2167-0846.1000122
Klokkerud M, Grotle M, Løchting I, Kjeken I, Hagen KB, Garratt AM (2013). Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the patient generated index in patients with rheumatic diseases participating in rehabilitation or self-management programmes.Rheumatology (Oxford). May;52 (5):924-32
Løchting I, Fjerstad E, Garratt AM (2013). Illness perceptions in patients receiving rheumatology rehabilitation: association with health and outcomes at 12 months.BMC Musculoskelet Disord. Jan 16;14:28
Løchting, I, Garratt AM, Klokkerud M, Fjerstad E (2012). Development of the Rheumatic Disease Illness Perception Questionnaire (RD-IPQ): Reliability, validity and responsiveness. Clin Exp Rheumatol 3, 308
Fernandes L, Storheim K, Lochting I, Grotle M (2012).Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Norwegian pain catastrophizing scale in patients with low back pain.BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2012 Jun 22;13:111
Storheim K, Brox JI, Løchting I, Werner EL, Grotle M (2012).Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Norwegian version of the Core Outcome Measures Index for low back pain.Eur Spine J. 2012 Dec;21(12):2539-49
Klokkerud M, Hagen KB, Løchting I, Uhlig T, Kjeken I, Grotle M (2012). Does the content really matter? A study comparing structure, process, and outcome of team rehabilitation for patients with inflammatory arthritis in two different clinical settings.Scand J Rheumatol. 2012 Feb;41(1):20-8
Werner E L, Storheim K, Løchting I, Grotle M (2010). The COPE LBP trial: Cognitive Patient Education for Low Back Pain - a cluster randomised controlled trial in primary care. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, Feb 16;11:33
Grotle M, Garratt AM, Uhlig T, Klokkerud M, Løchting I, Hagen KB (2010).What's in team rehabilitation care for patients after arthroplasty for osteoarthritis? Results from a multicenter, longitudinal study assessing structure, process and outcome. Physical Therapy; 90:121-31
Løchting I, Garratt AM, Klokkerud M, Kjeken I, Hagen KB, Grotle M (2009). Patient experiences of rheumatology rehabilitation. Associations with process and outcomes. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology,38 (5), 357-61
Publications 2022
Effectiveness of adding motivational interviewing or a stratified vocational advice intervention to usual case management on return to work for people with musculoskeletal disorders: the MI-NAV randomised controlled trial
Occup Environ Med, 80 (1), 42-50
DOI 10.1136/oemed-2022-108637, PubMed 36428098
Publications 2021
Barriers and Facilitators for Implementing Motivational Interviewing as a Return to Work Intervention in a Norwegian Social Insurance Setting: A Mixed Methods Process Evaluation
J Occup Rehabil, 31 (4), 785-795
DOI 10.1007/s10926-021-09964-9, PubMed 33761083
Use of Dietary Supplements and Perceived Knowledge among Adults Living with Fibromyalgia in Norway: A Cross-Sectional Study
Nutrients, 14 (1)
DOI 10.3390/nu14010005, PubMed 35010882
Fidelity of a Motivational Interviewing Intervention for Improving Return to Work for People with Musculoskeletal Disorders
Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18 (19)
DOI 10.3390/ijerph181910324, PubMed 34639624
Motivational Interviewing and Return to Work for People with Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Systematic Mapping Review
J Occup Rehabil, 31 (1), 63-71
DOI 10.1007/s10926-020-09892-0, PubMed 32356223
Implementing a Stratified Vocational Advice Intervention for People on Sick Leave with Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Multimethod Process Evaluation
J Occup Rehabil, 32 (2), 306-318
DOI 10.1007/s10926-021-10007-6, PubMed 34606049
Publications 2020
Complex return to work process - caseworkers' experiences of facilitating return to work for individuals on sick leave due to musculoskeletal disorders
BMC Public Health, 20 (1), 1822
DOI 10.1186/s12889-020-09804-0, PubMed 33256648
Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of adding motivational interviewing or stratified vocational advice intervention to usual case management on return to work for people with musculoskeletal disorders. The MI-NAV study
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 21 (1), 496
DOI 10.1186/s12891-020-03475-z, PubMed 32723318
Publications 2018
A focus group study to understand biases and confounders in a cluster randomized controlled trial on low back pain in primary care in Norway
BMC Fam Pract, 19 (1), 71
DOI 10.1186/s12875-018-0759-9, PubMed 29788920
Publications 2017
The impact of psychological factors on condition-specific, generic and individualized patient reported outcomes in low back pain
Health Qual Life Outcomes, 15 (1), 40
DOI 10.1186/s12955-017-0593-0, PubMed 28222741
Identification of Indirect Effects in a Cognitive Patient Education (COPE) Intervention for Low Back Pain
Phys Ther, 97 (12), 1138-1146
DOI 10.1093/ptj/pzx091, PubMed 29186635
Publications 2016
Rasch analysis of the Norwegian version of the Arthritis Self-Efficacy Scale (ASES)
Scand J Rheumatol, 46 (1), 33-39
DOI 10.3109/03009742.2016.1155644, PubMed 27187620
Evaluation of individualized quality of life and illness perceptions in low back pain. A patient education cluster randomized controlled trial
Patient Educ Couns, 99 (12), 1992-1998
DOI 10.1016/j.pec.2016.05.015, PubMed 27486051
Cognitive Patient Education for Low Back Pain in Primary Care: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 41 (6), 455-62
DOI 10.1097/BRS.0000000000001268, PubMed 26966970
Publications 2014
Individualized quality of life in patients with low back pain: reliability and validity of the Patient Generated Index
J Rehabil Med, 46 (8), 781-7
DOI 10.2340/16501977-1826, PubMed 25117176
Publications 2013
Measurement properties of instruments assessing self-efficacy in patients with rheumatic diseases
Rheumatology (Oxford), 53 (7), 1161-71
DOI 10.1093/rheumatology/ket374, PubMed 24249031
Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the patient generated index in patients with rheumatic diseases participating in rehabilitation or self-management programmes
Rheumatology (Oxford), 52 (5), 924-32
DOI 10.1093/rheumatology/kes401, PubMed 23335634
Illness perceptions in patients receiving rheumatology rehabilitation: association with health and outcomes at 12 months
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 14, 28
DOI 10.1186/1471-2474-14-28, PubMed 23324450
Publications 2012
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Norwegian pain catastrophizing scale in patients with low back pain
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 13, 111
DOI 10.1186/1471-2474-13-111, PubMed 22726668
Development of the Rheumatic Disease Illness Perception Questionnaire (RD-IPQ) reliability, validity and responsiveness
Clin Exp Rheumatol, 30 (2), 308
PubMed 22325016
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Norwegian version of the Core Outcome Measures Index for low back pain
Eur Spine J, 21 (12), 2539-49
DOI 10.1007/s00586-012-2393-x, PubMed 22695701
Publications 2011
Does the content really matter? A study comparing structure, process, and outcome of team rehabilitation for patients with inflammatory arthritis in two different clinical settings
Scand J Rheumatol, 41 (1), 20-8
DOI 10.3109/03009742.2011.601757, PubMed 22106920
Publications 2010
What's in team rehabilitation care after arthroplasty for osteoarthritis? Results from a multicenter, longitudinal study assessing structure, process, and outcome
Phys Ther, 90 (1), 121-31
DOI 10.2522/ptj.20080295, PubMed 20045807
The COPE LBP trial: cognitive patient education for low back pain--a cluster randomized controlled trial in primary care
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 11, 33
DOI 10.1186/1471-2474-11-33, PubMed 20158897
Publications 2009
Development of the rehabilitation patient experiences questionnaire: data quality, reliability and validity in patients with rheumatic diseases
J Rehabil Med, 41 (7), 576-81
DOI 10.2340/16501977-0375, PubMed 19543670
Patient experiences of rehabilitation in rheumatology: association with process and outcome
Scand J Rheumatol, 38 (5), 357-61
DOI 10.1080/03009740902971213, PubMed 19585381