Position available - 5 year group leader position in human pluripotent stem cell research

A 5-year research-only position as Research Group Leader is available at the Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research. Candidates should have substantial experience in the field of human pluripotent stem cell biology and a strong motivation to establish an internationally competitive research program with clear synergies to existing research groups at the Center. Funding is guaranteed at 2.5 million NOK per year for 5 years (which includes own salary) and will be expected to be supplemented by additional extramural funding.  The Group Leader will be able to utilize the Center's established core facility for production of human embryonic stem cells. For further information contact Center Director Joel C. Glover, joel.glover@medisin.uio.no or +47-22851135 (Anne Kibsgaard). Deadline June 1.

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