Public awareness activities 2017

Bjørås, Magnar:

  • Omtale av genterapi i Dagbladet (Nov 2017)

Collas, Philippe:

  • Deakin University, Geelong, VIC, Australia (Feb 2017)
  • SromaLab, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France (Feb 2017)
  • Center for Atomic Energy (CEA), Evry, France (Mar 2017)
  • Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (Oct 2017)
  • Australian Epigenetic Alliance Meeting, Brisbane, Australia (Nov 2017)
  • The Garvan Institute for Medical Research (Nov 2017)
  • XXI Gliwice Scientific Meetings, Gliwice, Poland (Nov 2017)

Langmoen, Iver Arne:

  • Lecture for the Norwegian glioblastoma patient organization
  • Lecture for Pensjonist-universitetet

Moskaug, Jan Øyvind:

  • Lecture on stem cell biology at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Glover, Joel C.:

  • Interview and program about 3D printing of human organs, Radio program EKKO, NRK P2, Oslo, January 4, 2017
  • “Stem cells in pediatrics – State of the art and future perspectives”, Lecture presented at Pediaterdagene conference, Bergen, January 18, 2017
  • “3D printing av organer”, Public lecture presented at Lovisenberg Hospital, Oslo, March 31, 2017
  • “Forskning på ryggmargsskader”, Lecture presented at Annual Meeting of the Norwegian Spinal Cord Injury Foundation (Landsforening for ryggmargsskadde), Stavanger, May 6, 2017
  • ”iPS cell-based in vitro models for neurodegenerative diseases”, Lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Bergen Stem Cell Consortium, Bergen, September 4, 2017
  • “Tissue on Demand? The Promise of 3D Bioprinting”, Lecture presented at the Cutting Edge Festival, Oslo Innovation Week 2017, September 26, 2017
  • “Fremskritt med studier av ALS basert på iPS-celler fra norske pasienter”, Lecture presented at the Annual meeting of the Norwegian ALS Foundation (Stiftelsen ALS Norsk Støttegruppe), Oslo, October 14, 2017
  • ”3D-printing av organer”, Lecture presented for Eldre legers forening, Oslo, November 5, 2017
  • Interviewed for and contributed to full length article “Mannen bak den medisinske revolusjonen: Lager stamcellene selv”, published in Aftenposten A-magasinet Vitenskapen, November 2017 issue
  • Interviewed for and contributed to full length article “Medisinsk gjennombrudd: Lager stamcellene selv”, published in the magazine Apollon, November 2017 issue

Moe, Morten, and Petrovski, Goran:

  • “Proteomic tools for studying RPE functions”. EVER congress, Nice, France
  • “Phenotype of human corneal stroma-derived cells obtained by different isolation techniques from various corneal regions”. EVER congress, Nice
  • Seminar for Blindeforbundet in connection with Verdens Synsdag 2017

 Eskeland, Ragnhild:

  • Organized Oslo Epigenetic Minisymposium (conference), May 5th, 2017.
  • “CRISPR-Cas9 unravels new knowledge about mammalian chromatin” (Public lecture, Det Norske Vitenskaps-akademi), Oslo January 18th, 2017
  • “CRISPR/Cas9 genredigering – banebrytande for grunnforskninga” (Public lecture Realfagsbiblioteket, UiO), 26th of January 2017
  • “Epigenetikk og Arv”, ”Stamceller ­– moglegheitens celler” and ”CRISPR/Cas9 genredigering”, Dahlske videregående skole, Grimstad (lectures for teachers), 30th of March, 2017

Klungland, Arne:

  • “About the Embryo”, Breakfast seminar, Bioteknologirådet. March 1. 2017

 Scholz, Hanne:

  • “GPR44 inhibition impoves function and survival in transplanted human islets.” International Pancreas and Islet Transplantation Association Congress, Oxford, UK


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