Microarray Core Facility Ullevål

The Microarray Core Facility at Oslo University Hospital was established in 2004 and has previously been supported by Helse-Øst and Helse Sør-Øst. The core facility is located at Ullevål Hospital.

The core facility runs gene expression profiling based on the Affymetrix platform and has extensive experience with expression profiling.

The core facility provides state-of-the-art laboratory technology and gene profiling services to the Norwegian and international scientific community.

It is worth mentioning that we have have technology for purifying RNA from FFPE tissue and used this RNA in microarray expression analyses. This allows for the use of a number of unrecognized biobanks in the context of RNA expression.

Contact us for a meeting to explore the options we can provide for your project!

Visiting address:
Institutt for medisinsk biokjemi, FoU, 6. etg., bygg 6, Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål, Kirkeveien 166, 0450 Oslo