The HEMMER study; to study the effect of the changing degree of uraemia between dialysis sessions on CYP3A activity in patients receiving haemodialysis
LidoPOp; development of a pharmacokinetic population model for lidocaine and the metabolite MEGX undergoing major surgery
Substitution of R,S-methadone with R-methadone in methadone maintenance treatment patients with known prolonged QT-time; in order to map changes in QTc time by transition from (R, S) methadone to R methadone in patients with known prolonged QTc time
CyPed-study; to study CYP3A activity and to investigate the impact of CYP3A inhibitors in pediatric patients
Optimal management of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF); to study the correlation between paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) and sleep apnea (SA) and that treatment of SA will reduce the overall burden of AF as well as reduce the recurrence rate of AF after pulmonary vein ablation
Contact information: Hasse Khiabani Zaré Department of Pharmacology, Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, PO Box 4956 Nydalen, NO-0424 Oslo, Norway Tel +47 905 43 878 E-mail: