Associate members
Anatoly B. Uzdensky
Prof. Ph.D.
Phone: +7-8632-280577
Email: uzd[a]
Fax +7-8632-280588
Senior scientist
Department of Biophysics and Biocybernetics
Rostov State University
Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Jakob J. Stamnes
Prof. Ph.D.
Phone: +47-55582818
Mail: jakobj.stamnes[a]
Fax +47-55589440
Leader of the Optics
and Laser Physics Group
Department of Physics
University of Bergen, Norway
Ryan F. Donnelly
Phone: +44-2890972251
Mail: r.donnelly[a]
Fax +46-2890247794
Lecturer in Pharmaceutics
School of Pharmacy
Queens University Belfast
Belfast, UK