
The Hov Group, Norwegian PSC Research Centre, UiO/OUH  

Professor Espen Sønderaal Bækkevold, Department of Pathology, Oslo University Hospital (Espen Bækkevold (Researcher) - JahnsenLab)

ReMicS Regional Research Network for Clinical Microbiota Medicine UiO/OUH

Unger Vetlesens Institute, Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital 

Department of Health Management and Health Economics UiO, Associate professor Hans Olav Melberg

Clinical Academic Group Inflammatory Bowel Disease - CAG IBD – Precision medicine in inflammatory bowel disease - NTNU/(St. Olavs Hospital

Digital health, innovation and coordination - Institute of Health and Society (

Genetics and epigenetics in disease, Clinical Molecular Biology (EpiGen), Ahus and UiO 

InTRaCC - Individualized Treatment and Research on Crohn’s and Colitis - Gemini Centre - NTNU

International collaborators

Professor Jonas Halfvarsson Jonas Halfvarson - School of Medical Sciences - Örebro University ( and professor Dirk Repsilber Dirk Repsilber - School of Medical Sciences - Örebro University (

Professor Tuulia Hyötyläinen Tuulia Hyötyläinen - School of Science and Technology - Örebro University (

Professor Jens Kjeldsen Jens Kjeldsen — Syddansk Universitet (

Professor Vibeke Andersen Vibeke Andersen — Syddansk Universitet ( 

Professor Andre Franke (Andre Franke | IKMB ( ) and scientist Corinna Bang (Corinna Bang | IKMB (, Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel  

Non-academic collaborators

BioMe, CEO Morten Isaksen 

Nordic Bioscience, Senior Researcher Joachim Høgberg, Denmark 

Thermo Fisher Scientific

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