Pediatric Rheumatology Research Group

Group leader
The research focus is diagnosis, prognosis, and tailored treatment strategies in pediatric rheumatic diseases. We want to evolve modern care for children and adolescents with rheumatic diseases by improving the understanding of the diseases and personalize targeted treatment. The work is aiming at optimized diagnosis, prediction models and targeted treatment strategies based on the patients’ clinical, personal, genetic and/or molecular profile. Furthermore, we will describe the burden of the disease for the patients, their families and the society. This is achieved through ongoing and planned clinical trials, observational studies and translational biomedical research.
Although being a small unit dealing with rare diseases, our research has been of high international quality and recognition. Our research is close to the clinic and results are readily translated to clinical practice. Through our research projects, national networks have been developed and international connections improved in the field of paediatric rheumatology.