How do we agree on the text in the Consortium Agreement?

It is strongly recommended that you use the DESCA model. To be found here:

This model is made to cover all that a project will need. DESCA will not repeat definitions or issues covered by the Grant Agreement.

This means that input from partners to the model text should be limited as much as possible to their own background, how the project will handle results and how they will give access to background and results to each other.

Before the Consortium Agreement is sent to partners it should be checked against what is written in Annex 1 of the GA and updated accordingly. As the GA will prevail over the CA there is no point in keeping contradictory texts between the two.


  • Take all persons and roles mentioned in the Annex 1 and update the CA.
  • Align voting rights and conflict resolution between the two.
  • Align the management structure between the two
  • Trust each other and agree that “fair and reasonable conditions” may be ok as a text for future use of needed background or results.

Do not:

  • Add new definitions without being 100% sure that they are needed and not already in the GA
  • Put in any numbers on budgets and payments. Always refer to the GA and the numbers as shown in the EC systems. This will prevent you from amending the CA for any minor changes of sums.
  • For review of publications: Allow partners to have an opinion on the specific text in publications. A publication should be the full responsibility of the authors.


If partners want changes to the general text in the CA ask them again if it is really needed and if it will make any major difference for them. This may avoid several rounds of useless detail reviews and updates. 


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