My project and my organisation; how do I manage the interface?

In formalising your project, you must:

  • Get your project approved by the right instances in your organisation
  • Appoint persons with the power to sign contracts and costs statements according to your internal signatory practice i.e. the person that sign must have a formal position to sign for your organisation
  • Get your project registered in your organisation
  • Get your project registered in your accounting system. The cost of your project must be identifiable i.e. you need a separate account/number in your accounting system
  • Set up a way to register hours worked on the project
    • use your normal time schedule system if you have one
    • use Excel timesheets if you do not have a system

It is you as project manager that is responsible for connecting your project to your organisation. You will need help and support from your administration and accounting colleagues so keep them informed and establish a good communication with them.  Organisational routines and EC project routines may be difficult to match so do your best for a smooth run of your project within your organisation.


Get yourself familiar with your organisations quality management systems, handbooks and procedure. Your project activities must comply with these.


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