Research projects
PhD candidates in the PhD program, University of Oslo:
• Sigrid Pedersen: “Epilepsy in Children: The Impact of the Gut Microbiota and Epigenetics in Successful Treatment of Epilepsy”. Supervisor: Kaja K. Selmer. Co-supervisors: Knut Rudi, Per Ole Iversen, and Benedicte Alexandra Lie.
• Eli B. Kyte: “Impact of epilepsy surgery on cognition, psychiatry and quality of life at the commencement of aging” Supervisor: Kristin Å. Alfstad. Co-supervisors: Morten I. Lossius and Annette H. Skogan.
• Merete Tschamper: “Childhood epilepsy and parental health literacy” Supervisor: Marie Hamilton Larsen, Co-supervisors: Astrid K. Wahl, Rita Jakobsen.
• Konstantin H. Kostov: “Clinical outcomes and determinants of effectiveness of vagus nerve stimulation in a large national refractory epilepsy population” Supervisor: Morten I. Lossius , Co-supervisor: Jukka Peltola
• Gernot Hlauschek: “Identifying novel imaging and clinical biomarkers of epileptogenesis poststroke”. Supervisor: Morten I. Lossius, Co-supervisors: Patrick Kwan and Meng Law
• Truls Vikin: «Epilepsy in children-how are they doing?». Supervisor: Kari M. Aaberg, Co-supervisors: Pål Surén, Morten I. Lossius
• Fridny Heimisdottir: “Genetic mosaicism in focal epilepsy. Creating a platform for precicion medicine in mosaic disorders”. Supervisor: Kaja K. Selmer Co-supervisors: Kristin Å. Alfstad, Inger-Lise Mero.
Post doc:
• Silje Alvestad: “Scandinavian multi-registry study of antiepileptic drug teratogenicity: The SCAN-A study”. Co-workers: Marte Bjørk, Torbjørn Tomson, Jacob Christensen.
• Kari M. Aaberg: "Development in childhood epilepsy". Co-workers: Pål Surén, Morten I. Lossius
Other projects:
• Kristin Å. Alfstad: “Risk factors for psychiatric symptoms and executive problems in youth with epilepsy”. Co-worker: Morten I. Lossius
• EpilepsiNett: "Kan vi tette gapet? Sosioøkonomiske forskjeller og helseulikhet hos unge med epilepsi. Et EpilepsiNett prosjekt med data fra registre, kliniske kohorter og brukerstyrt oppfølging". Kristin Å. Alfstad, Kari M. Aaberg, Marte Bjørk, Marte Roa Syversen, Eline Dahl-Hansen, Maryam Shirzadi, Jeanette Koht.
• Magnhild Kverneland: “Who should be treated with ketogenic diet for epilepsy”. Co-worker: Kaja K. Selmer
• Erik Sætre: “Mortality in Epilepsy”. Co-worker: Michael Abdelnoor
• Lisa Evju Hauger: “Adapted fMRI paradigms for pediatric patients and adults with cognitive impairment." Co-workers: Annette Holth Skogan, Markus H Sneve.
• Lisa Evju Hauger: “EpiTrack jr., Quality Assuranse Study“. Co-workers: Morten I. Lossius, Annette H. Skogan, Kari M. Aaberg.
• Halvor Torgersen: "EpiTrack Quality Assuranse Study“. Co-worker: Annette H. Skogan.
• Guro Minken: "Development of a pediatric language protocol for awake brain surgery". Co-workers: Annette H. Skogan, Fridny Heimisdottir, Ingeborg Ribu, Silje Systad, Christiane Sørensen, DuLIP gruppen.
• Kathrine C. Haavardsholm: "Long term effect of ketogenic diet in children with epilepsy”. Co-workers: Annette Ramn-Pettersen, Kaja K. Selmer, Mahtab Zamani, Karolina Skagen, Mona Skjelland.
International projects
• “EURAP study. An International Antiepileptic Drugs and Pregnancy Registry” (International concerted Action on the Teratogenesis of Anti-epileptic Drugs) ( Silje Alvestad, international stearing committee and Torill Martinez , national coordinator.
• “Computer based identification of morphometric abnormalities in MRI images in patients before and after operation in the temporal lobe.” Kristin Å. Alfstad, Morten I. Lossius, Jugoslav Ivanovic, Pål Bache Marthinsen, Oslo University Hospital and Lars Pinborg, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark
• “Detection and classification of seizures with wearable sensors-new technology in the diagnosis of epilepsy”. Kristin Å. Alfstad, Antonia Villagran, Rune Markhus and Kristina Malmgren, University of Gothenburg and Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden
• “Ultra-long subcutaneous EEG monitoring: reliability, safety and impact on clinical management in uncontrolled epilepsies.” Kristin Å. Alfstad, Oliver Henning, Margrete Halvorsen Bø, Arild Egge, Oslo University hospital, Guido Rubboli, University of Copenhagen, Danish Epilepsy Centre, Dianalund, Denmark and Sándor Benizky, Aarhus University Hospital and Danish Epilepsy Centre, Dianalund, Denmark.
• “Nordic prospective observational study of outcomes after rare epilepsy surgery procedures”. Fridny Heimisdottir, Kristin Å. Alfstad and Tove Hallbook, University of Gothenburg and Sahlgrenska Hospital, Sweden
• “Children with refractory epilepsy and use of the newest antiepileptic drugs”. Scandinavian project between the National Centre for Epilepsy in Norway and Danish Epilepsy Centre, Dianalund, Denmark; Margrete Larsen Burns, Marina Nikoronova, Danish Epilepsy Centre, Dianalund; responsible in Denmark, Cecilie Johannessen Landmark, project leader.
• “Nordic Delphi Consensus on VNS guidelines”. An international multicenter project. The aim of the project is to find Consensus for mutual clinical VNS guidelines in the Nordics for drug resistant epilepsy patients. Oliver Henning, project leader, Hrisimir Kostov, Thorsten Gerstner, Stein-Helge Tingvoll, Susanne Ingebrigtsen, Atle Lillebø, Omar Hikmat (Norway), Dragan Marsanovic, Kern Olofsson, Anne Sabbers, Ioannis Tsiropoulos,Noemi Becser Andersen (Denmark). Liisa Metsähonkala, Reina Roivainen, Salla Lamouso, Jukka Peltola (Finland), Sintia Kolbjer, Lisa Gordon, Helena Gauffin, Johan Lundgren, Elinor Ben-Menachem, Fredrik Asztely, (Sweden).
Expert groups, etc.
• Cannabidiol International Expert group (CBD). Cecilie Johannessen Landmark
• Epilepsy Education Task Force, Botanical Medicines Task Force and Pediatric treatment task force, all initiated by the International League Against Epilepsy (EpiED) Cecilie Johannessen Landmark
• Faculty member, Eilat Educational course: Pharmacological treatment of epilepsy Cecilie Johannessen Landmark
• Faculty member, annual course Baltic sea summer school for epilepsy: Oliver Henning and Cecilie Johannessen Landmark
• Nordic Expert Group on Epilepsy and Dementia. Erik Sætre
• Nor-EpiNet Nordic network for precision medicine, stearing group members Kaja Selmer and Cecilie Johannessen Landmark
• Commission on Epidemiology, International League Against Epilepsy. Kari Modalsli Aaberg