Trond Haaken Diseth
- Professor (UiO), Chief consultant (OUS); MD, PhD
- +47 23 07 49 40
Name Trond Haaken Diseth
- Date of birth July 5th, 1957
- Home address Rønningvn. 4a, 0494 Oslo
- Home phone +47 22226772
- Professional position Professor (University of Oslo) and Chief Consultant (Rikshospitalet)
- Academic degree Professor,
- Office address Section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
- Department of Paediatrics, Rikshospitalet University Hospital, 0027 Oslo
- Office phone/fax +47 23074940 (phone), +47 23074950 (fax)
- Mail:,
- 1984 Medical degree, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo (UiO)
- 1985 Authorized as practicing physician
- 1986 Officer (lieutenant), Medical Company, Lahaugmoen
- 1992-97 University scholarship/Doctoral program, Faculty of Medicine, UiO
- 1997 (Ph.d), UiO
- 2000 Board certified specialist in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- 2005 Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo (UiO)
Professional positions:
- 1985 Internships, Departments of Medicine and Surgery, Sandefjord Hospital
- 1986 District Practitioner, Tjølling district, Vestfold County
- 1986-87 Resident, Medical Company, Sørlandets Sjøforsvarsdistrikt, Kristiansand
- 1986-87 Practitioner, Emergency ward, Outpatient's Div., Kristiansand district
- 1987-88 District Practitioner, Larvik district, Vestfold County
- 1987-00 Practitioner, Emergency ward, Outpatient's Div., Larvik district
- 1988-91 Resident, State Hospital for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Oslo
- 1991-92 Senior consultant, State Hospital for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Oslo
- 1992-97 Research fellow, Institute of psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, UiO
- 1997-98 Senior consultant, Div. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Rikshospitalet
- 1998-99 Resident, Department of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Clinic, Vinderen, Oslo
- 1999 Chief consultant, Div. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, RH (3 mnds)
- 1999-01 Senior consultant, Div. of child and adolescent Psychiatry, RH
- 2002 Chief consultant, Div. of Child and Adolescent psychiatry, RH (7 mnds)
- 2001-2004 Post-doctoral research fellow, Inst. of psychiatry, Fac. of Medicine,UiO
- 2001-2004 Senior consultant (20%), Div. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, RH
- 2004- Head of department/chief consultant, RH
- 2005- Professor, Institute of psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, UiO
University of Oslo
- 1990- Lectures in behavioural science, paediatrics, child psychiatry, Fac.of Med., UiO
- 1995-96 Semesterleader, 15th. termin, Institute of Psychiatry, Fac.of Medicine, UiO
- 1994- Further-education courses in medicine, the Norwegian Medical Association
- 1998- Lectures in child psychiatry, Inst. of Psychology, Dept. of Soc. Sciences, UiO
- 1991- Lectures in child psychiatry for special-nurses and educational-specialists
Other organisations
- 1990- Lectures arranged by RH, Frambu, Smågruppesenteret, and other associations
- 1998- Clinical supervisor for 8 child psychiatric candidates, Dnlf
- 1999- 10, semesterpaper, UiO
- 2002- Research supervisor for 4 research fellows; doctoral candidate (UiO/NFR/NTNU)
Scientific activities:
Research scholarships;
- 1992-97 University scholarship, Institute of Psychiatry, Fac. of Medicine, UiO
- 2001-04 Post-doctoral scholarship, Institute of Psychiatry, Fac. of Medicine, UiO
Doctoral degree
- 1997 Thesis, UiO: "Adolescent with congenital malformations in the anorecto-urogenital region. A clinical bio-psychosocial study".
- 2005- Professor II, Institute of psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, UiO
Publications (see below);
- 1990- First author: 18 articles
- Co-author: 15 articles, 3 books, 2 chapters in textbooks
- 1994- 22 international lectures/published posters
Manuscript reviewer:
1997- Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, Acta Paediatricaica, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, European Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, The Wellcome Trust
Various scientific activities;
- 1994- Norwegian repr. in Nordic working committee for child psychiatric research
- 1995 Translated into Norwegian: Adolescent Dissosiative Experience Scale
- 2002 Translated into Norwegian: Pediatric Quality of Life Questionnaire
Board memberships:
- 1995-99 Board of Norwegian Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry;
- - Member of the board, 1995-96
- - Secretary, 1997-99
- 1993- Nordic Working Committee for Child Psychiatric Research;
- - Norwegian representative, 1993-
- - Organizer of two Nordic Research Course, Oslo; 1993 and 2000
- 1993- Member of the Council for children with anorectal anomalies
- 1995- Member of the Council for children with bladder extrophy and epispadias
- 1995-2001 Member of the Council for children with liver diseases
- 1997-2002 Competance board, Smågruppesenteret, Rikshospitalet:
- - Vice-chairman, 1997-02
- 1999- Norwegian Psychiatric Association's Committee for consultation-liaison and psychosomatic medicine;
- - Member, 1999-
Administration and management:
- Larvik Public Health Counsil, 1987-88:
- - Chairman of Intercommunity Guidance Clinic for HIV/AIDS
- - Chairman of Interdisciplinary communal workgroup for HIV-information in the schools
- - Chairman of various interdisciplinary groups in Health Stations/School Health Services Helsedirektoratet, 1990:
- - Member, Working Committee for "Retningslinjer for å forhindre spredning av HIV og for å sikre pasienters og foresattes rettigheter i BUP-institusjoner"
- State Hospital for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1989-91:
- - the local Yngre Legers Forening's delegate
- - the local Norwegian Medical Association's delegate in Arbeidsutvalget University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry:
- - Semester-leader, termin, 1995-96.
- - Member of Undervisningsutvalget, 1995-97.
- Child Psychiatric Research Group, Rikshospitalet:
- - Secretary, 1992-95
- Intersex team:
- - Member of RH's team concerning children with ambiguous sex, 1996-
- Smågruppesenterets workinggroups in regard to:
- - Follow-up supervisor for children with anorectal anomalies, 1995
- - Follow-up supervisor for children with bladder extrophy and epispadias, 1996
- - Follow-up supervisor for children with AGS, 1997
- - Information booklet "Children with stomy", 1997
- Norwegian Workgroup for Transsexuals:
- - Member 1999-
- Forum for Anxiety disorders:
- - Member 1999-
Publications 2021
Primary antibody deficiency: The impact on the quality of life and mental health of affected children and their parents
Acta Paediatr., 110 (5), 1645-1652
DOI 10.1111/apa.15752
Epidemiology of traumatic brain injury in children 15 years and younger in South-Eastern Norway in 2015-16. Implications for prevention and follow-up needs
Eur. J. Paediatr. Neurol., 31, 70-77
DOI 10.1016/j.ejpn.2021.02.002
High satisfaction on genital self-perception and sexual function in healthy Norwegian male adolescents
J. Pediatr. Urol, 17 (4)
DOI 10.1016/j.jpurol.2021.02.015
Publications 2020
Genetic and clinical variations in a Norwegian sample diagnosed with Rett syndrome
Brain Dev., 42 (7), 484-495
DOI 10.1016/j.braindev.2020.03.008
Piloting the Use of a Short Observation List for ASD-Symptoms in Day-Care: Challenges and Further Possibilities
J. Autism Dev. Disord., 50 (9), 3413-3423
DOI 10.1007/s10803-019-04313-5
The Outdoor Care Retreat
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen., 140 (16), 1632-1634
Publications 2019
Psychosocial care for hospitalized young survivors after the terror attack on Utoya Island: A qualitative study of the survivors' experiences
Injury-Int. J. Care Inj., 50 (1), 197-204
DOI 10.1016/j.injury.2018.10.024
Neurocognitive Outcome and Compensating Possibilities in Children and Adolescents Treated for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia With Chemotherapy Only
Front. Psychol., 10, 1027
DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01027
Individual characteristics of students with autism spectrum disorders and school refusal behavior
Autism, 23 (2), 413-423
DOI 10.1177/1362361317748619
Children's views on postsurgical pain in recovery units in Norway: A qualitative study
J. Clin. Nurs., 28 (11-12), 2157-2170
DOI 10.1111/jocn.14788
Examining the organization and quality of the psychiatric consultative service in Norway
Nord. J. Psychiatr., 73 (1), 9-15
DOI 10.1080/08039488.2018.1525426
Publications 2018
Brief Report: Agreement Between Parents and Day-Care Professionals on Early Symptoms Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders
J. Autism Dev. Disord., 48 (4), 1063-1068
DOI 10.1007/s10803-017-3355-2
Identification of Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Second Year of Life at Day-Care Centres by Day-Care Staff: Step One in the Development of a Short Observation List
J. Autism Dev. Disord., 48 (7), 2267-2277
DOI 10.1007/s10803-018-3489-x
Small effort, high impact: Focus on physical activity improves oxygen uptake (VO2peak), quality of life, and mental health after pediatric renal transplantation
Pediatr. Transplant., 22 (6), e13242
DOI 10.1111/petr.13242
Publications 2017
Physical Injury and Somatic Complaints: The Mediating Role of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Young Survivors of a Terror Attack
J. Trauma Stress, 30 (3), 229-236
DOI 10.1002/jts.22191
Long-term psychosocial consequences of surgical congenital malformations
Semin. Pediatr. Surg., 26 (5), 286-294
DOI 10.1053/j.sempedsurg.2017.09.009
School refusal behaviour: Are children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder at a higher risk?
Res. Autism Spectr. Disord., 41-42, 31-38
DOI 10.1016/j.rasd.2017.07.001
Publications 2016
Resilience factors play an important role in the mental health of parents when children survive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Acta Paediatr., 105 (1), E30-E34
DOI 10.1111/apa.13232
A Norwegian prospective study of preterm mother-infant interactions at 6 and 18months and the impact of maternal mental health problems, pregnancy and birth complications
BMJ Open, 6 (5), e009699
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009699
Associations between recurrent musculoskeletal pain and visits to the family doctor (GP) and specialist multi-professional team in 74 Norwegian youth with cerebral palsy
Child Care Health Dev., 42 (5), 735-741
DOI 10.1111/cch.12366
Publications 2015
Physical injury and posttraumatic stress reactions. A study of the survivors of the 2011 shooting massacre on Utoya Island, Norway
J. Psychosomat. Res., 79 (5), 384-390
DOI 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2015.09.005
Adolescents with cerebral palsy and their contact with the GP and the habilitative services
Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen., 135 (5), 428-432
Self-reported mental health in youth with cerebral palsy and associations to recurrent musculoskeletal pain
Disabil. Rehabil., 37 (2), 144-150
DOI 10.3109/09638288.2014.913703
Publications 2014
Post-traumatic stress reactions in survivors of the 2011 massacre on Utoya Island, Norway
Br. J. Psychiatry, 204 (5), 361-367
DOI 10.1192/bjp.bp.113.133157
Mental health in women experiencing preterm birth
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 14, 263
DOI 10.1186/1471-2393-14-263
Publications 2013
Children with autism spectrum disorders - The importance of medical investigations
Eur. J. Paediatr. Neurol., 17 (1), 68-76
DOI 10.1016/j.ejpn.2012.08.004
Autism Spectrum Disorders Are they really epidemic?
Eur. J. Paediatr. Neurol., 17 (4), 327-333
DOI 10.1016/j.ejpn.2013.03.003
Long-term risk of mental health problems in women experiencing preterm birth: a longitudinal study of 29 mothers
Ann. Gen. Psychiatr., 12, 33
DOI 10.1186/1744-859X-12-33
Publications 2012
Observed prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in two Norwegian counties
Eur. J. Paediatr. Neurol., 16 (6), 592-598
DOI 10.1016/j.ejpn.2012.01.014
Mental health, health related quality of life and recurrent musculoskeletal pain in children with cerebral palsy 8-18 years old
Disabil. Rehabil., 34 (19), 1589-1595
DOI 10.3109/09638288.2012.656794
Parent-reported participation in children with cerebral palsy: the contribution of recurrent musculoskeletal pain and child mental health problems
Dev. Med. Child Neurol., 54 (9), 829-835
DOI 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2012.04341.x
Publications 2011
Kidney transplantation in childhood: mental health and quality of life of children and caregivers
Pediatr. Nephrol., 26 (10), 1881-1892
DOI 10.1007/s00467-011-1887-9
Familial adenomatous polyposis: mental health, psychosocial functioning and reactions to genetic risk in adolescents
Clin. Genet., 79 (1), 35-43
DOI 10.1111/j.1399-0004.2010.01534.x
Characteristics of recurrent musculoskeletal pain in children with cerebral palsy aged 8 to 18 years
Dev. Med. Child Neurol., 53 (11), 1013-1018
DOI 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2011.04070.x
Publications 2009
Mental health and psychosocial functioning in adolescents with esophageal atresia
J. Pediatr. Surg., 44 (4), 729-737
DOI 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2008.09.027
Infant Ment. Health J., 30 (1), 40-56
DOI 10.1002/imhj.20202
Children and adolescents with congenital heart disease: assessment of behavioural and emotional problems
Eur. Child Adolesc. Psych., 18 (5), 292-300
DOI 10.1007/s00787-008-0730-8
Cognitive outcome in children and adolescents treated for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia with chemotherapy only
Acta Paediatr., 98 (1), 180-186
DOI 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2008.01055.x
Children in remission from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: mental health, psychosocial adjustment and parental functioning
Eur. J. Cancer Care, 18 (4), 364-370
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2354.2008.00954.x
Therapy in a subtropical climate for children with cerebral palsy. Evidence of physical and psychosocial effects ?
Acta Paediatr., 98 (4), 670-674
DOI 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2008.01114.x
Publications 2008
Does esophageal atresia influence the mother-infant interaction?
J. Pediatr. Surg., 43 (10), 1796-1801
DOI 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2008.04.011
The Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL (TM)) 4.0 as an assessment measure for depressive symptoms: A correlational study with young adolescents
Nord. J. Psychiatr., 62 (4), 279-286
DOI 10.1080/08039480801983950
Publications 2007
Health-related quality of life and intellectual functioning in children in remission from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Acta Paediatr., 96 (9), 1280-1285
DOI 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2007.00383.x
Publications 2006
Measuring health-related quality of life in young adolescents: Reliability and validity in the Norwegian version of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (TM) 4.0 (PedsQL) generic core scales
Health Qual. Life Outcomes, 4, 61
DOI 10.1186/1477-7525-4-61
Publications 1997
Adolescents with congenital malformations in the anorecto-urogenital region: a clinical bio-psycho-social study
Department Group of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, 1 b. (flere pag.)
BIBSYS 972822585, ISBN 82-91049-13-0
Anorectal anomalies: anorectal manometric function and anal endosonography in relation to functional outcome
Pediatr. Surg. Int., 12 (7), 516-519
DOI 10.1007/BF01258715
Adrenogenitalt syndrom, AGS
Smågruppesenteret, Oslo, 20 s.
BIBSYS 972866663, ISBN 82-91198-30-6
Publications 1994
J. Pediatr. Surg., 29 (3), 447-451
DOI 10.1016/0022-3468(94)90589-4
Publications 1993
Korttidsterapi med børn: en fokuserende, psykodynamisk tilnærmelse
Hans Reitzel, København, 123 s.
BIBSYS 942925947, ISBN 87-412-3173-2
Publications 1991
Korttidsterapi med barn: en fokusert, psykodynamisk tilnærming
Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 109 s.
BIBSYS 910182175, ISBN 82-00-21147-9