Sensor based vital signs monitoring of patients with clinical manifestation of Covid 19 disease during home isolation, a randomized feasibility study.

The main research question is whether adding biosensor measures to monitor home isolated Covid 19 patients will impact outcome compared to self and/or relative/peer monitoring. Short time outcome is stop of home isolation due to hospitalization. Long-time outcome is description of the the time in the hospital. Until now, there have not been any clinical decision-making tools available for the specific care of Covid 19 patients at home. Short term goals are, firstly, to determine whether patients would benefit from use of welfare technology for decision-making; secondly, to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of this technology. Long term goals are to support healthcare providers with needed systematic real-time information about patients.

One project-arm will be feasibility to utilize integrated telemetrically retrieved physiological data. A digital wireless platform which integrates respiration rate, pulse oximetry, patient temperature, ECG and blood pressure readings will be used (Patient Status Engine, Isansys Lifecare Ltd., UK). In addition, this technology will automatically provide 5 out of 6 elements of National Early Warning Score II (NEWS II) which will be used to guide necessary action.6,7 We can identify the patient in need of more thorough care early, and provide clinical statistics for improved management of groups of patients. 

The aim of the study is to detect measures and scoring system that identify changes in the patient health status in order to intervene earlier compared to when only self and/or relative/peer surveillance is used.

Project leader:

Lars Wik