Congratulations Frank David Øhrn

We congratulate Frank-David Øhrn at the FAculty of medicine and healthsciense, NTNU, on his exellent defence
on the thesis: ”Contemporary total knee arthroplasty: Designs and surgical methods”.
The public defence took place at Kristiansund hospital april the 08th, 2022.
The trial lecture:
”Perioperative complications in total knee replacement surgery – incidence, causes, treatment, results and prevention”
Many thanks to the committee for a fantastic job and for a very interesting talk during the desertation:
1. Opponent Professor Rob GHH Nelissen, Leiden University Medical Center.
2. Opponent ass.Prof. Mona Badawy, Kysthospitalet i Hagavik, Helse Bergen.
Kommittee leader: ass.Prof. Arne Seternes, NTNU.
His supervisors has been: Stephan Maximillian Röhrl, Oslo universitetssykehus HF, og førsteamanuensis Øystein Bjerkestrand Lian, NTNU.
We congratulate Frank-David Øhrn at the FAculty of medicine and healthsciense, NTNU, on his exellent defence
on the thesis: ”Contemporary total knee arthroplasty: Designs and surgical methods”.
The public defence took place at Kristiansund hospital april the 08th, 2022.
The trial lecture:
”Perioperative complications in total knee replacement surgery – incidence, causes, treatment, results and prevention”
Many thanks to the committee for a fantastic job and for a very interesting talk during the desertation:
1. Opponent Professor Rob GHH Nelissen, Leiden University Medical Center.
2. Opponent ass.Prof. Mona Badawy, Kysthospitalet i Hagavik, Helse Bergen.
Kommittee leader: ass.Prof. Arne Seternes, NTNU.
His supervisors has been: Stephan Maximillian Röhrl, Oslo universitetssykehus HF, og førsteamanuensis Øystein Bjerkestrand Lian, NTNU.