Scientific projects

This page on Scientific Projects aims to provide information on my research profile. I share my time 50/50 between clinical work and research/teaching. Most of my patients have sarcomas (bone- and soft-tissue). I am part of the multidisciplinary sarcoma-group at our Institution. As an oncologist, I am involved in both the radiotherapy and chemotherapy given to these patients. Furthermore, I give radiotherapy to patients with skeletal metastases from other cancers. During the last years, I have been increasingly involved in the use of bone-seeking radiopharmaceuticals in patients with prostate cancer.

My main interest is the tumorbiology of primary and metastatic bone cancers – ranging from basic science aspects in cell biology, radiobiology, microdosimetry and immunology, via the translational phase of new drug development and the prognostic impact of micrometastasis to clinical trials.

Clinical Research

  • Sarcoma clinical trials
  • External beam radiotherapy of skeletal metastases
  • Bone-seeking radionuclide therapy
  • Vitamin D, skeletal homeostasis and cancer prognosis

Translational Research

  • Micrometastasis – characterisation and prognostic impact
  • New drug development
  • Radioimmunotherapy

Basic Science

  • Studies on the pathophysiological barriers to therapeutic macromolecules
  • Biologically adapted radiation therapy
  • Radiobiology and Microdosimetry
  • Monoclonal antibodies

Research Supervision

  • The theses of people where I have served as academic supervisor are displayed
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