Christian Tronstad
- Researcher; Dr. Philos.
Publications 2024
Disturbances in Electrodermal Activity Recordings Due to Different Noises in the Environment
Sensors (Basel), 24 (16)
DOI 10.3390/s24165434, PubMed 39205128
Electrical bioimpedance in the era of artificial intelligence
J Electr Bioimpedance, 15 (1), 1-3
DOI 10.2478/joeb-2024-0001, PubMed 38304720
Exploration of the Conditions for Occurrence of Photoplethysmographic Signal Inversion above the Dorsalis Pedis Artery
Sensors (Basel), 24 (20)
DOI 10.3390/s24206505, PubMed 39459987
arterioscope.sim: Enabling Simulations of Blood Flow and Its Impact on Bioimpedance Signals
Bioengineering (Basel), 11 (12)
DOI 10.3390/bioengineering11121273, PubMed 39768091
Publications 2023
Heart rate monitoring to detect acute pain in non-verbal patients: a study protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial
BMC Psychiatry, 23 (1), 252
DOI 10.1186/s12888-023-04757-1, PubMed 37060049
Diabetic Foot Assessment using Skin Impedance in a Custom Made Sensor-sock
J Electr Bioimpedance, 13 (1), 136-142
DOI 10.2478/joeb-2022-0019, PubMed 36694878
Publications 2022
Reduced heart rate variability is related to the number of metabolic syndrome components and manifest diabetes in the sixth Tromsø study 2007-2008
Sci Rep, 12 (1), 11998
DOI 10.1038/s41598-022-15824-0, PubMed 35835836
Small intestinal viability assessment using dielectric relaxation spectroscopy and deep learning
Sci Rep, 12 (1), 3279
DOI 10.1038/s41598-022-07140-4, PubMed 35228559
Current trends and opportunities in the methodology of electrodermal activity measurement
Physiol Meas, 43 (2)
DOI 10.1088/1361-6579/ac5007, PubMed 35090148
Development of a prototype toe sensor for detection of diabetic peripheral small fiber neuropathy
Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2022, 99-104
DOI 10.1109/EMBC48229.2022.9871101, PubMed 36086669
Publications 2021
Maternal haemodynamics during labour epidural analgesia with and without adrenaline
Scand J Pain, 21 (4), 680-687
DOI 10.1515/sjpain-2020-0176, PubMed 33964196
Automatic Prediction of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury of Small Intestine Using Convolutional Neural Networks: A Pilot Study
Sensors (Basel), 21 (19)
DOI 10.3390/s21196691, PubMed 34641009
Supervised binary classification methods for strawberry ripeness discrimination from bioimpedance data
Sci Rep, 11 (1), 11202
DOI 10.1038/s41598-021-90471-5, PubMed 34045542
Classification of Emotions Based on Electrodermal Activity and Transfer Learning - a Pilot Study
J Electr Bioimpedance, 12 (1), 178-183
DOI 10.2478/joeb-2021-0021, PubMed 35111273
Blood pressure and cardiac output during caesarean delivery under spinal anaesthesia: a prospective cohort study
BMJ Open, 11 (6), e046102
DOI 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046102, PubMed 34127491
Estimation of Heart Rate Variability from Finger Photoplethysmography During Rest, Mild Exercise and Mild Mental Stress
J Electr Bioimpedance, 12 (1), 89-102
DOI 10.2478/joeb-2021-0012, PubMed 35069945
Quantification of aerosol dispersal from suspected aerosol-generating procedures
ERJ Open Res, 7 (4)
DOI 10.1183/23120541.00206-2021, PubMed 34877350
Electrical Impedance Plethysmography Versus Tonometry To Measure the Pulse Wave Velocity in Peripheral Arteries in Young Healthy Volunteers: a Pilot Study
J Electr Bioimpedance, 12 (1), 169-177
DOI 10.2478/joeb-2021-0020, PubMed 35111272
Publications 2020
Monitoring the quality of frozen-thawed venous segments using bioimpedance spectroscopy
Physiol Meas, 41 (4), 044008
DOI 10.1088/1361-6579/ab85b7, PubMed 32235072
The correlations among the skin conductance features responding to physiological stress stimuli
Skin Res Technol, 27 (4), 582-588
DOI 10.1111/srt.12989, PubMed 33381876
Accuracy and trending abilities of finger plethysmographic blood pressure and cardiac output compared to invasive measurements during caesarean delivery in healthy women: an observational study
BMC Anesthesiol, 20 (1), 157
DOI 10.1186/s12871-020-01078-8, PubMed 32593297
Convolutional Neural Network and Rule-Based Algorithms for Classifying 12-lead ECGs
DOI 10.22489/CinC.2020.227
Publications 2019
Bioimpedance and NIR for Non-invasive Assessment of Blood Glucose
J Electr Bioimpedance, 10 (1), 133-138
DOI 10.2478/joeb-2019-0019, PubMed 33584894
Measuring Blood Pulse Wave Velocity with Bioimpedance in Different Age Groups
Sensors (Basel), 19 (4)
DOI 10.3390/s19040850, PubMed 30791368
An Investigation on Bilateral Asymmetry in Electrodermal Activity
Front Behav Neurosci, 13, 88
DOI 10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00088, PubMed 31133830
Author Correction: Evaluation of Hypoglycaemia with Non-Invasive Sensors in People with Type 1 Diabetes and Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycaemia
Sci Rep, 9 (1), 6347
DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-42218-6, PubMed 30988313
A multiparameter model for non-invasive detection of hypoglycemia
Physiol Meas, 40 (8), 085004
DOI 10.1088/1361-6579/ab3676, PubMed 31357185
Electrosurgery and Temperature Increase in Tissue With a Passive Metal Implant
Front Surg, 6, 8
DOI 10.3389/fsurg.2019.00008, PubMed 30915337
A Circuit for Simultaneous Measurements of Skin Electrical Conductance, Susceptance, and Potential
J Electr Bioimpedance, 10 (1), 110-112
DOI 10.2478/joeb-2019-0016, PubMed 33584891
Age-related Differences in the Morphology of the Impedance Cardiography Signal
J Electr Bioimpedance, 10 (1), 139-145
DOI 10.2478/joeb-2019-0020, PubMed 33584895
Possibilities in the Application of Machine Learning on Bioimpedance Time-series
J Electr Bioimpedance, 10 (1), 24-33
DOI 10.2478/joeb-2019-0004, PubMed 33584879
Publications 2018
Influence of Relative Humidity on Electrodermal Levels and Responses
Skin Pharmacol Physiol, 31 (6), 298-307
DOI 10.1159/000492275, PubMed 30179872
Electrodermal Activity Responses for Quantitative Assessment of Felt Pain
J Electr Bioimpedance, 9 (1), 52-58
DOI 10.2478/joeb-2018-0010, PubMed 33584921
Chronic pain-related changes in cardiovascular regulation and impact on comorbid hypertension in a general population: the Tromsø study
Pain, 159 (1), 119-127
DOI 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001070, PubMed 28953193
Evaluation of Hypoglycaemia with Non-Invasive Sensors in People with Type 1 Diabetes and Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycaemia
Sci Rep, 8 (1), 14722
DOI 10.1038/s41598-018-33189-1, PubMed 30283093
Small intestinal ischemia and reperfusion-bioimpedance measurements
Physiol Meas, 39 (2), 025001
DOI 10.1088/1361-6579/aaa576, PubMed 29303488
Machine learning for intraoperative prediction of viability in ischemic small intestine
Physiol Meas, 39 (10), 105011
DOI 10.1088/1361-6579/aae0ea, PubMed 30207981
Non-invasive prediction of blood glucose trends during hypoglycemia
Anal Chim Acta, 1052, 37-48
DOI 10.1016/j.aca.2018.12.009, PubMed 30685040
Publications 2017
Electrodermal responses to discrete stimuli measured by skin conductance, skin potential, and skin susceptance
Skin Res Technol, 24 (1), 108-116
DOI 10.1111/srt.12397, PubMed 28776764
Detection of needle to nerve contact based on electric bioimpedance and machine learning methods
Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2017, 9-12
DOI 10.1109/EMBC.2017.8036750, PubMed 29059798
Instrumentation, electrode choice and challenges in human skin memristor measurement
Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2017, 1844-1848
DOI 10.1109/EMBC.2017.8037205, PubMed 29060249
Ischemic small intestine-in vivo versus ex vivo bioimpedance measurements
Physiol Meas, 38 (5), 715-728
DOI 10.1088/1361-6579/aa67b7, PubMed 28319030
Detection of sympathoadrenal discharge by parameterisation of skin conductance and ECG measurement
Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2017, 3997-4000
DOI 10.1109/EMBC.2017.8037732, PubMed 29060773
Publications 2016
VAVD vacuum may cause bubble transgression in membrane oxygenators
Perfusion, 31 (8), 648-652
DOI 10.1177/0267659116651345, PubMed 27226328
Comparison between the AC and DC measurement of electrodermal activity
Psychophysiology, 54 (3), 374-385
DOI 10.1111/psyp.12803, PubMed 28000290
In vivo characterization of ischemic small intestine using bioimpedance measurements
Physiol Meas, 37 (2), 257-75
DOI 10.1088/0967-3334/37/2/257, PubMed 26805916
Publications 2015
Sources of error in AC measurement of skin conductance
Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance, 6 (2015), 49-53
DOI 10.5617/jeb.2640, PublikaID 230
An improved artifact removal algorithm for continuous cardiac output and blood pressure recordings
Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2015, 5968-72
DOI 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319751, PubMed 26737651
Model- based filtering for artifact and noise suppression with state estimation for electrodermal activity measurements in real time
Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2015, 2750-3
DOI 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7318961, PubMed 26736861
Publications 2014
Estimation of skin conductance at low frequencies using measurements at higher frequencies for EDA applications
Physiol Meas, 35 (6), 1011-8
DOI 10.1088/0967-3334/35/6/1011, PubMed 24844405
Myocardial tissue CO2 tension detects coronary blood flow reduction after coronary artery bypass in real-time†
Br J Anaesth, 114 (3), 414-22
DOI 10.1093/bja/aeu381, PubMed 25392231
Tumescent suction curettage vs. curettage only for treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis evaluated by subjective and new objective methods
Acta Derm Venereol, 94 (2), 215-20
DOI 10.2340/00015555-1671, PubMed 24002584
Statistical methods for bioimpedance analysis
J Electr Bioimp, 5, 14–27
DOI 10.5617/jeb.830, PublikaID 218
Publications 2013
Improved estimation of sweating based on electrical properties of skin
Ann Biomed Eng, 41 (5), 1074-83
DOI 10.1007/s10439-013-0743-4, PubMed 23325304
Waveform difference between skin conductance and skin potential responses in relation to electrical and evaporative properties of skin
Psychophysiology, 50 (11), 1070-8
DOI 10.1111/psyp.12092, PubMed 23889171
Publications 2012
Perioperative detection of myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion with a novel tissue CO2 monitoring technology
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 42 (1), 157-63
DOI 10.1093/ejcts/ezr278, PubMed 22290904
Hepatic and abdominal carbon dioxide measurements detect and distinguish hepatic artery occlusion and portal vein occlusion in pigs
Liver Transpl, 18 (12), 1485-94
DOI 10.1002/lt.23544, PubMed 22961940
Publications 2011
Electrodermal activity by DC potential and AC conductance measured simultaneously at the same skin site
Skin Res Technol, 17 (1), 26-34
DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0846.2010.00459.x, PubMed 20923453
Evaluation of algorithms for calculating bioimpedance phase angle values from measured whole-body impedance modulus
Physiol Meas, 32 (7), 755-65
DOI 10.1088/0967-3334/32/7/S03, PubMed 21646707
Publications 2010
Electrical impedance of stainless steel needle electrodes
Ann Biomed Eng, 38 (7), 2371-82
DOI 10.1007/s10439-010-9989-2, PubMed 20217478
A study on electrode gels for skin conductance measurements
Physiol Meas, 31 (10), 1395-410
DOI 10.1088/0967-3334/31/10/008, PubMed 20811086
Early detection of cardiac ischemia using a conductometric pCO(2) sensor: real-time drift correction and parameterization
Physiol Meas, 31 (9), 1241-55
DOI 10.1088/0967-3334/31/9/013, PubMed 20702916
Publications 2009
Noise properties of the 3-electrode skin admittance measuring circuit
IFMBE PROC, 22 (1-3), 720-722
Publications 2008
Gravimetric method for in vitro calibration of skin hydration measurements
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 55 (2 Pt 1), 728-32
DOI 10.1109/TBME.2007.912651, PubMed 18270010
Electrical measurement of sweat activity
Physiol Meas, 29 (6), S407-15
DOI 10.1088/0967-3334/29/6/S34, PubMed 18544832
Embedded instrumentation for skin admittance measurement
Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2008, 2373-6
DOI 10.1109/IEMBS.2008.4649676, PubMed 19163179
Publications 2007
Calibration of skin hydration measurements
IFMBE PROC, 17, 161-+
Developmeut of a medical device for long-term sweat activity measurements
IFMBE PROC, 17, 236-+