
The facility includes three confocal microscopes and three whole-cell fluorescence setups as well as software for image enhancement. The confocal microscopes are located in rooms 4034 and 4035.

Zeiss LSM 710 Confocal / Axio Observer

This inverted point-scanning confocal microscope with high spatial resolution is well-suited for static imaging. Common applications include high resolution immuno-fluorescence for studying protein localization (pictured below), and colocalization using traditional antibody labelling as well as Duolink. The microscope is fitted with an incubation chamber (Zeiss XL S1) for live-cell imaging experiments requiring control of temperature and O2/CO2 levels. The microscope is also currently being configured for FRET. Laser lines: 458, 488, 514, 543, 633 nm.

Zeiss LSM 7 Live Confocal  / Axio Observer

This inverted line-scanning confocal microscope is well-suited for imaging rapid events such as Ca2+ sparks. The 7 Live provides high-speed scanning, with acquisition rates of 1000 images of 512 x 512 pixels in less than 10 seconds. The microscope is set up with a perfusionsystem (37°C), patch clamp equipment (Axon Axopatch 200B) and field stimulation. Flash photolysis equipment is also available. Laser lines: 488, 532 nm.

Zeiss LSM 510 Confocal / Axiovert 100

This inverted point-scanning confocal microscope has modest spatial and temporal resolution, and is  commonly employed for both imaging of ionic fluorophores and static imaging protein localization / colocalization. This setup is also equipped with whole-cell fluorescence with PMT-based detection (Ratio Master, Photon Technology International, pictured at right), a heated perfusion system, electrophysiology (Axon Axoclamp 2B) and field stimulation. Laser lines: 488, 543, 633 nm.

In conjunction with the confocal core facility, three setups for whole-cell fluorescence are available by collaboration with Core Facility staff:

PTI Easy Ratio Pro Wide-field Fluorescence / Zeiss Observer D1

This fluorescence system from Photon Technology International enables ratiometric wide-field  fluorescence detection (Easy Ratio Pro)by high-speed camera (Orca Flash 4.0, Hamamatsu Photonics) with WarpDrive interface controller (pictured right). The setup is also equipped with a CellTester system (World Precision Instruments), enabling controlled stretch and force measurement of individual cardiomyocytes. The setup contains a heated perfusion system, as well as equipment for electrophysiology (Axon Axoclamp 200B) and field stimulation.

Cairn Optoscan Wide-field Fluorescence / Zeiss Axiovert 200

This inverted wide-field microscope is employed for studying ionic dynamics in live cells. Whole-cell fluorescence can be measured using a fluorescence system from Cairn Research (Optoscource / Optoscan, 1 detection channel). The setup is equipped with a heated perfusion system, as well as equipment for measuring cell shortening (Crescent electronics) and electrophysiology (Axon Axoclamp 2B) and for exciting cells by field stimulation.

Photon Technology International Wide-Field Fluorescence / Zeiss Axio Observer

This inverted wide-field microscope is employed for studying ionic dynamics in live cells. Whole-cell ratiometric fluorescence (for example Fluo-4, Fura-2, SBFI) can be measured using the Ratio Master system from Photon Technology International employing Felix software. The setup is equipped with a heated perfusion system, equipment for measuring cell shortening (Crescent electronics) and electrophysiology (Axon Axoclamp 2A) and for exciting cells by field stimulation. 

MMI Cellcut Laser Dissection Microscope / Nikon Eclipse TE 2000-S

The Cellcut system enables rapid, precise isolation of cells and tissue from a variety of sample types including fresh, frozen, or embedded tissues and cells. Regions of interest are marked and cut automatically using a precisely focused UV-Laser for further analyses.

Huygens deconvolution software from Scientific Volume Imaging

The core facility is licensed for use of deconvolution software from SVI which improves image quality by reversing optical distortion in the image.