Why do they not understand what I am writing? New!

Most probably because you assume that the readers have the same knowledge as you. Almost all writes believe that their readers have more insight than they have. What is obvious to the writer may certainly not be obvious to the reader. When you write, think again; will my readers share my experience, context, understanding and flow of thoughts? As the answer is probably No, put more effort into explaining, add enough detail, put your idea into a common context and be clear.

Your thoughts do not always appear in a logical and structured way in your brain. If you put these thoughts directly on paper it may be messy.  The reader may also have a hard time decoding what you really mean. So, read again, restructure and make the text clear and logic. If you read it aloud or tell the story to a listener it may help getting the message clear. We often speak more logically than we write. We may also modify our message as we speak based on the immediate reactions of the listener. When you write there is no immediate feedback and no second chance to explain what you really meant.

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