Management Procedures; Deliverables and Publications


Internal Review Mechanism for Deliverables

The partner(s) writing a deliverable must give access to draft versions that other partners can review within reasonable time before the submission deadline. The author’s is responsible for finding a review partner. However, all partners may request a draft for review.

How do we review deliverables?   #16689


General Approval Mechanisms for Publications

The approval mechanisms for publications are described in the CA in Section 8.4. Dissemination and in the GA Art. 29.1. Refer to the contracts for full details.

From GA 29.1:

A beneficiary that intends to disseminate its results must give advance notice to the other beneficiaries of — unless agreed otherwise — at least 45 days, together with sufficient information on the results it will disseminate.

Any other beneficiary may object within — unless agreed otherwise — 30 days of receiving notification, if it can show that its legitimate interests in relation to the results or background would be significantly harmed. In such cases, the dissemination may not take place unless appropriate steps are taken to safeguard these legitimate interests.

Scientific publication is the responsibility of the author(s). The other partners shall not review the scientific content of the publications. 



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