What do I need to put on the project web site?

The project web page should minimum have this info:

  • Project Acronym and title
  • The project abstract
  • The project partners
    • Logos
    • Contact persons
    • Link to their web pages
    • A short presentation of each partner (optional)
    • Addresses (City, country)
  • Contact details for
    • The coordinator
    • The dissemination/innovation/IPR manager(s)
  • The EU logo/flag
  • The correct text saying that this is a project funded by the EC

There will always be a difficult choice between dissemination/communication and IPR/protection of results. You will need a discussion in the consortium on your preferred policy. Publicity and public awareness is important for your projects and required by the EC so do not be too restrictive.

You may:

  • Show the project objectives
  • Say what you will do by publishing WP info
  • Say what results you expect and when
  • Publish results (here you may hide sensitive information)
  • Publish all open deliverables
  • Tell about all project communication and dissemination activities
  • Present popularised information about the science you are involved in (reaching a bigger audience)
  • Provide links to related information
  • Present press coverage of your project
  • Prizes/awards you have won
  • Provide a weekly/monthly news flash (if you go for news you must update regularly)



  • Register the project acronym as web address
  • If someone in the consortium have competence and experience in setting up web pages use them otherwise get professional help (you do not need to be too ambitious)
  • Layout and graphics must look professional you will need some design help/competence
  • Ensure that it is easy to update the web pages with new text
  • Ensure that google searches will hit your site
  • Be sure that you have person that can take the role as responsible editor
    • Maintaining and updating web pages take time


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