What do I do if I do not get the results I expected?

The research you are doing is “high risk - high gain” so it is ok to do research that produce negative or inconclusive results. The EC will not “punish“ you for unsuccessful research.

If this was foreseen in the risk plan follow the mitigation strategy.

Depending on the consortium’s motivation and the seriousness of the problems you have several options:

  • If it is only a part of the project e.g. a WP that is problematic you may go on with the rest of the project.
  • You may amend the project and change the scientific approach to the problematic area.
  • If the problem affects the total project it may be wise to just stop the whole thing

From an administrative point of view it is important to:

  • Inform the project officer early and discuss the options
  • Agree with all partners on what to do. It has economic consequences to stop activities or a project.
  • If you decide to go on with the successful parts of the project it is smart to do an amendment where the resources (funding) planned for the abandoned activities is transferred to the remaining work.
  • Write a deliverable on the unsuccessful work explaining what has been done and the causes for the failure. Claim cost as normally done. At least this will assure that you will get paid for the unsuccessful effort.  


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